Baltic countries discuss how to contribute to fight against jihadists
The three Baltic countries are discussing how to contribute to the international community’s fight against the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East. […]
The three Baltic countries are discussing how to contribute to the international community’s fight against the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East. […]
Lithuania’s parliament on Thursday gave a green light to dispatch of more troops to international missions abroad, including increased participation in efforts against the Islamic State group. […]
In the report of threats to the national security only few of the 38 pages are dedicated to terrorism. It has stated that last year the threat of terrorism in Europe was huge and the […]
Lithuania’s intelligence agencies have barred relocation of nine refugees under the European Union (EU) program after establishing that their presence in the country would jeopardize national security, the State Security Department said. […]
Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius is attending a meeting of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. […]
Six Lithuanian military instructors on Tuesday begin service in Iraq as part of the US-led Operation Inherent Resolve to train Iraqi forces to fight the Islamic State. […]
Europe has finally admitted what has been spoken about in Lithuania for a long time now – it is experiencing information attacks from Russia. This week the European Parliament passed a resolution which states that […]
US presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he would work with NATO allies if he wins the White House, apparently backing down from his earlier suggestions the United States might not meets its obligations to NATO allies. […]
Lithuania is planning to contribute the first group of six military instructors to the US-led international operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq in early 2017, the Ministry of National Defence says.
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Russia is a partner for France, but not a friend, French Senate member Hélène Conway-Mouret has said in Vilnius, adding that Russia was not a bigger threat to NATO and Europe than Islamic State.
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Lithuania will for the first time participate in a meeting of ministers from countries that are part of the US-led coalition against Islamic State.
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The mass massacre in Nice is an attack on the values of France, a member of the French Senate, Helene Conway-Mouret, said in Vilnius on Friday.
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Lithuania’s minister of national defence has confirmed that the country may send up to 30 military instructors to Iraq as part of a US-led mission to fight the Islamic State. […]
There were some 13 million Muslims living in Europe several years ago, according to Pew Research Center, and several more million have come from Syria and Iraq over the last few years. Professor Egdūnas Račius of the Kaunas-based Vytautas Magnus University says that religion is not always the right lens through which to look at and make sense of the world’s Muslims. […]
The Syrian civil war, which started five years ago, has devastated the country, killing 270,000 people and displacing half of the population. Public Radio International, based in the United States, developed an application that simulates the scale of the damage in terms of any other country of your choice. […]
With the wave of recent terrorist attacks in Europe there is a perception that the threat from terrorism on the continent is higher than ever, but the statistics show that the number of deaths from terrorist attacks in Europe is far lower now than in previous decades. […]
Real estate mogul Donald Trump, the potential nominee of the Republican Party in the United States‘ presidential election, has said that NATO might have outlived its usefulness. […]
Russian television has thrived for months on a diet of victories in Syria. Now that the time has come to spin the news of a withdrawal, the argument is being deployed that it is best to avoid a second Afghanistan. Better still, the exit is being presented as another case of Russia outsmarting the United States. […]
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