Bud wire

Border Crossing Infrastructure Directorate’s head resigns

Arnoldas Tvaronavičius has resigned as head of the Border Crossing Infrastructure Directorate under the Lithuanian Transport Ministry amid suspicions of non-transparent public procurement practices in the authority. […]

Gintautas Kėvišas

President sees Vilnius opera house chief’s work as “shadow play”

Backstage operations of Gintautas Kevišas, the director of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater (LNOBT), have turned into a “shadow play” and fall short of the requirement of transparent management and responsibility of an institution’s chief, says President Dalia Grybauskaitė. […]

the Vilnius Concert and Sports Palace

Signs of corruption found in Vilnius Concert, Sports Palace revamp tender

Acting on a tip-off about possible lack of transparency in the tender for contractor for reconstruction of the Vilnius Concert and Sports Palace, Lithuania’s Property Bank has terminated talks with the winner – the consortium of Irdaiva construction company. Documents available to BNS show that a member of the tender panel was employed both at the Property Bank and the company, which could have influenced the results of the tender. […]

Raimundas Karoblis at the DEFLI TV conference

Lithuania should spend more than 2% of GDP on defence – Min of Defence

Lithuania should allocate more than 2 percent of its gross domestic product for its national defence, the country’s new defence minister said on Tuesday. […]