
Rukla refugee reception centre may run out of room
After Lithuania started to receive more refugees under the European Union (EU) program, its Rukla refugee reception centre may soon start running short on accommodation for all newcomers. […]

To Whom It May Concern… before it is too late! #RefugeesLT
This is the first text from our #RefugeesLT initiative.
On my third month in Lithuania as a refugee, and as I am passing through different situations here varying between the good and bad, I can confidently say now that Lithuanians have all the good seeds inside them to blossom and prove they are not less in generosity and willingness to extend a hand to help than any other nation who has received refugees along the history so far. I could see this with all my Lithuanian friends around me and even those who I met by chance in the streets as I needed to ask about anything and they happened to know that I am a refugee. […]