Russian troops
Central/Eastern Europe

A culture of warfare adopted by Russia that we don‘t even understand

A Prussian culture of warfare, which is entirely atypical for the West, is typical for Russia and so, we often fail to understand Moscow’s aims and modus operandi. This culture is naturally exclusively goal-oriented. If […]

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Finland, Sweden pushed closer to NATO by Russian pressure

Every year, Estonia holds special military exercises called Spring Storm. The exercises are for those conscript soldiers who have just completed their term of service. This is their graduation event. […]

The Kremlin

Russian ‘countermeasures’ to NATO in Eastern Europe are coming

When NATO leaders gather in Warsaw on July 8 to 9, they will announce steps to beef up the alliance’s conventional force presence on its eastern flank. NATO also will shortly announce that the SM-3 missile defense site in Romania has achieved operational status. These moves will spur the Kremlin, with some fanfare, to announce military “countermeasures.” But those will be steps that Moscow almost certainly intends to take in any case. […]


NATO jets in Lithuania scrambled 5 times last week to intercept Russian planes

NATO air policing fighters stationed in the Baltic States performed five scrambles last week to intercept military aircraft of the Russian Federation in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence has reported. […]

Alexander Lukashenko

Europe’s last dictator comes in from the cold

Lukashenko’s fortunes have changed. Once known as “Europe’s last dictator,” he has won friends in Europe, while antagonizing his traditional ally, Russia. It’s a situation that has left the Kremlin in a difficult positon: should it punish Belarus for its pro-Western tendencies? Or should it continue to prop up the Belarusian economy rather than risk further unrest in the region? […]

Fallout with Turkey shows that Russia can lose friends as quickly as it makes them

Nina Khrushcheva: Putin is a brilliant tactician, but a losing strategist

Each Russian leader picks a subject he is an expert in and Vladimir Putin‘s subject is history. “That is why in order to understand Russia, we must understand Russian history,” says Professor Nina Khrushcheva of the New School University in New York. […]