Vladimir Putin

Russian politics in Putin’s new term

Russian President Vladimir Putin is the great survivor of European politics. Western leaders come and go, but Putin has persisted. He has managed to hold on to power for nearly two decades, through three foreign wars, two economic crises, multiple presidential and parliamentary elections (of varying degrees of fairness), a series of leadership reshuffles, the rise and fall of oil prices, and successive waves of economic sanctions. […]

The Kremlin

Ž. Pavilionis and D.J. Kramer: The folly of dialogue with Kremlin

French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were among the leading figures attending the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, at which they met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader traveled to Vienna this week to meet with Austria’s leadership. And media reports indicate that President Donald Trump is interested in hosting Putin in Washington in the near future. There almost seems to be a race in engaging with Putin, including in Lithuania. […]

Linas Linkevičius

Linkevičius on Trump: responses based on real actions, not words

The president was accompanied by two ministers in Washington – the minister of national defence and minister of foreign affairs. Minister of Economy Virginijus Sinkevičius travelled together with a delegation of businessmen. Minister of Foreign […]

An Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
Foreign affairs

Russia expelling 3 Lithuanian diplomats (Updated)

In response to expulsion of three Russian diplomats from Lithuania, Moscow has decided to send out an analogous number of Lithuanian diplomats. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

President: Lithuania considers expulsion of Russian spies disguised as diplomats

Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė said on Thursday that the country was considering expelling Russian intelligence officers working under the disguise as diplomats. […]