
  • Economy

Some Lithuanian cities skeptical about proposed restrictions on diesel cars

Officials in some Lithuanian cities are skeptical about the Environment Ministry's proposal to impose restrictions on diesel cars starting in…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania asks Belarus to suspend nuclear plant construction until IAEA tests are in

Lithuania has asked Belarus to suspend construction work of its nuclear power plant in Astravyets until stress tests and other…

8 years ago
  • Energy

‘No clear answers’ at Lithuania-Belarus consultations over Astravyets nuclear plant

Lithuanian representatives who are holding meetings with Belarusian officials on Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant say they do not get answers…

8 years ago
  • Economy

Volskwagen representatives say cars in Lithuania are safe

Lithuanian institutions are looking into possible environmental impact of Volkswagen diesel cars after the German carmaker was exposed to have…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuania starts Volkswagen probe

The Lithuanian Environment Ministry has started a probe to find out how many Volkswagen cars equipped with software designed to…

9 years ago
  • Energy

Lithuania among EU leaders in lowest greenhouse gas emissions

Annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Lithuania amount to 4-5 tons per capita and are among the lowest in the…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuania to tax landfill waste pollution

Following a little more than one year's discussions, the parliament of Lithuania adopted amendments to the Law on Pollution Tax…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Estonian power plant among Europe’s top polluters

Climate Action Network, or CAN Europe, published its "Europe's Dirty 30" report, which ranks 30 most polluting European power plants,…

10 years ago