Arunas Milasius

Verslo žurnalistika man – ir darbas, ir pomėgis. Nuolat stebėdamas verslo aplinką ir nekilnojamojo turto rinką matau, kaip keičiasi miestai, žmonių gyvenamoji aplinka ir kokią didelę įtaką tai daro visuomenės gyvenimui.
  • Opinion

Arūnas Milašius. What happened in the provincial elite when MG Baltic sought power in Vilnius

The MG Baltic scandal arose at the right time and the right place.The ten years of intelligence data was published…

6 years ago

Real estate market forecast: pricing peak has been reached

Developers now openly talk that the rise in real estate prices that has been ongoing for a few years and…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

It’s official – Lithuania doesn’t need EU institutions and service centres

On early morning this weekend news portals and radio shows flashed with a message which rapidly descended to the bottom…

7 years ago