Cyber security

5G networking rapidly developing across Lithuania: controls tightened, politicians’ eyes turn to Huawei

With 5G connectivity being developed around the country, the government looks at its regulation. The ruling bloc has proposed to judge the new technology’s implementation by way of national security criteria and prohibit access to […]

Electronic banking
Cyber security

Safe electronic banking: how to protect your account from fraudsters?

Today, we cannot imagine our lives without being able to pay for goods and services with our card or through electronic banking. Making financial transactions has become much easier and faster. Do these improvements come at a cost of security? Below, Tomas Stamulis, the Information Security Management Team Lead at ATEA, describes the fundamentals of security in electronic banking. […]

Cyber spy
Cyber security

Everyone can be both a victim of and a tool for cyberattacks – how to prevent this?

Cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly greater problem in the whole world. This applies to Lithuania too. It is estimated that Lithuania experienced 55 thousand cyberattacks last year. Below, Monika Žemgulytė, Project Manager of cybersecurity competences at “Cyber Security Academy” talks about how these attacks are carried out and how to avoid falling victim to them. […]

Cyber security

Cyberspace is becoming a warzone and international cooperation is more important than ever

The number of cyberattacks in Lithuania and in the world is rising every year. State acting individually are no longer capable of guarding their societies from these threats. Below, Agnija Tumkevič, a lecturer at the Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science, explains why cyberattacks are dangerous to our state and where Lithuania seeks opportunities for international cooperation. […]

Asociatyvi nuotr.
Cyber security

The eternal question for parents: should I post photos of my children?

It is estimated that parents in the US upload over 1500 photos of their children to social media before the children turn five. 92% of two-year old toddlers already have a “digital footprint”, and one-third of all US children appear on social media within the first hours of their birth. Though similar studies have not yet been carried out in Lithuania, the observed tendencies are broadly identical: more and more parents post pictures of their children online, without really thinking of the consequences of such actions. […]

Cyber security

Participating in lotteries and sweepstakes: are we paying too much for a chance to win?

When unsolicited email begins flooding your inbox, or when vendors send SMS messages offering random goods and services, most people probably get quite annoyed. However, too often people willingly give away their consent to use their personal data to participate in various loyalty programs, sales, or lotteries without thinking about how this data would be managed. […]

No Picture
Cyber security

Staying safe on social media: what is important to know and tell children?

Today, it is hard to imagine our daily life without social media. Social networks have given us the opportunity to share various moments of our lives with our friends, to quickly get the most recent news, and to reach any friend in real-time in one click. However, our massive reliance on social media has a dark side too: it not only distorts people’s social ties and may have adverse effects on children, but also has become an ecosystem for criminals and cybercriminals to exploit. […]

Cyber spy
Cyber security

Cyber spies can operate in your computer: how to protect yourself against them?

Criminals are becoming increasingly innovative in the technological age. One of the tools cybercriminals use is so-called spyware – applications that allow criminals to break into the victim’s computer or phone and to collect the victim’s personal data without their knowledge. Later, this information is used for extracting money from the victim’s bank account, as well as for other crimes. […]

No Picture
Cyber security

As online shopping becomes more popular, more and more fraudulent sellers appear: how to avoid them?

According to Eurostat, the statistics agency of the European Union, Lithuania is one of the leading EU members in terms of goods and services sold online. Online shopping becomes increasingly popular because it gives an opportunity to quickly and conveniently choose the desired goods, but its popularity also attracts fraudsters who aim to exploit the new consumer habits. Below, Tomas Parnarauskas, an ESET cybersecurity specialist, talks about how to recognize and avoid fraud while shopping online. […]