Tomas Janckus

  • Cyber security

Safe electronic banking: how to protect your account from fraudsters?

Today, we cannot imagine our lives without being able to pay for goods and services with our card or through…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Everyone can be both a victim of and a tool for cyberattacks – how to prevent this?

Cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly greater problem in the whole world. This applies to Lithuania too. It is estimated that…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Cyberspace is becoming a warzone and international cooperation is more important than ever

The number of cyberattacks in Lithuania and in the world is rising every year. State acting individually are no longer…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Losing your phone: when can an app help, and when – only the police?

Today, losing your smartphone or having it stolen is much more than just losing the device. We use our phones…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

The eternal question for parents: should I post photos of my children?

It is estimated that parents in the US upload over 1500 photos of their children to social media before the…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Participating in lotteries and sweepstakes: are we paying too much for a chance to win?

When unsolicited email begins flooding your inbox, or when vendors send SMS messages offering random goods and services, most people…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Staying safe on social media: what is important to know and tell children?

Today, it is hard to imagine our daily life without social media. Social networks have given us the opportunity to…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Cyber spies can operate in your computer: how to protect yourself against them?

Criminals are becoming increasingly innovative in the technological age. One of the tools cybercriminals use is so-called spyware – applications…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Not even animated movies are off-limits: how to recognize propaganda in culture?

The Kremlin’s ideological and political propaganda often reaches us not only through the official, Russian state-controlled media, but also through…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Offensive and illegal content online threatens adults as well as children

Studies show that, on average, 65% of internet users have experienced some kind of an online threat. Most common types…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

As online shopping becomes more popular, more and more fraudulent sellers appear: how to avoid them?

According to Eurostat, the statistics agency of the European Union, Lithuania is one of the leading EU members in terms…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

The history of Lithuanian statehood has always been built by members of various ethnic communities

Ethnic minorities in Lithuania lived through the same historical tendencies as the country in which they live: the highs and…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Experts warn about attempts to artificially escalate panic

Specialists involved in the matter expect that states antagonistic to Lithuania might manipulate information about the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant,…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

How to recognize and neutralize the propaganda-spreading “trolls” and “bots” that are occupying the Internet

As the social media culture took hold of our society, it opened up opportunities not only for socialization, self-realization, and…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Searching for things in common between Lithuanians and Poles may be the best response to the efforts to divide them

States antagonistic to Lithuania often employ the strategy of “divide and conquer” to foment division within the country and between…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

How to check that cybercriminals don’t hide behind incoming requests for help

Many have seen heart-wrenching stories about people struggling with serious disease or experiencing difficulties after unexpected misfortune such as a…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Identity thieves do not restrict themselves to your bank accounts

Most people leave a substantial trace in the virtual space. However, few think about the fact that any data circulating…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Culture is becoming a tool for antagonistic state propaganda. How can we protect ourselves?

Ethnic minority communities constitute an integral part of the Lithuanian civic society. Our state laws protect the rights of ethnic…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Lithuania’s ethnic minorities played an important role in the fight for freedom

The Lithuanian military cannot guard the state properly without public support. This is well understood by states antagonistic to Lithuania,…

6 years ago
  • Cyber security

Lithuanian and Polish cooperation in defense and energy is in the crosshairs of the Kremlin’s propaganda

The Kremlin propaganda agents are noticeably intensifying their effort to drive a wedge between Lithuania and Poland. Below, Tomas Janeliūnas,…

6 years ago