• History

Eighty years after the Christmas Agreement, the emergence of an illegal parliament

Bratislava before Christmas in 1943, based on which the Slovak National Council (the last in history and still active, at…

12 months ago
  • Society

What is the Kermesse Italia of June 3 at the Rotušė about?

‘My key message is that the current geopolitical situation has brought us far beyond the old stereotypes and clichés such…

2 years ago

Lithuanian Special Operations Forces: the origins of guerrilla warfare

The Special Operations Forces (SOP) of the Lithuanian Armed Forces were officially established 21 years ago, on 17 December 2001.…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

The end of Prague Spring: a view from Bratislava

On 21 August, we mark the beginning of the occupation of Czechoslovakia, which the Communist Party also calls the entry…

2 years ago

Russia – heir to the Asian slavery tradition: or why are they different?

Historians agree that Russia is a different country, a civilisation that does not belong to and is not understood by…

2 years ago
  • Opinion

G. Landsbergis: Why don’t we learn our lessons?

The capitulation of the Nazi regime in Rheims, France and Berlin, Germany, on the 7th and 8th of May, in…

3 years ago

Lithuanians research Bronze Age farmers in Central Asia

High in the Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan, archaeologists from Vilnius University discovered the strongest evidence yet for early and…

5 years ago

The last supper of Vanagas (the Hawk) November 29, Friday

Sixty-two years ago, on the night of Friday, November 29, 1957, the executioner waited for his victim… Vanagas. On November…

5 years ago

Chernobyl the series: facts and fiction

The series Chernobyl has recently received unprecedented attention, surpassing even that of the last season of Game of Thrones. Its…

6 years ago

Ideals of the May 3 Constitution still significant today

On May 2 the President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with Dainius Žalimas, President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, and Julia…

6 years ago