Klaipėda concludes record-breaking cruise ship season

It was a record-breaking season for Klaipėda as 62 cruise ships docked at the port, bringing around 57,000 tourists, 70 percent more than in 2013.

This season Klaipėda surpassed Riga which was visited by 57 cruise ships. The Lithuanian seaport levied a record amount of fees as well. Cruise liners paid LTL 2.55 million (EUR 739,000) of fees to Klaipėda port, compared with LTL 1.36 million (EUR 396,000) last year.

This season was exceptional not only in the number of cruise liners but their size as well. The biggest vessel in the history of the port of Klaipeda docked in mid-June – 317-metre-long, 37-meter-wide and 61-meter-tall cruise ship Celebrity Eclipse.

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In addition, 47 ships have registered for the 2015 season and the registration is bound to continue till March.

According to the data of the 7th Baltic Sea Tourism Forum that was held this week, cruise line travel in the Baltic Sea region grew by 6 percent. It is expected to promote cruise line travel by establishing a common brand representing the Baltic Sea region and an institution ensuring the region’s popularity.


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