In January-June 2014, SoDra’s budget income totalled LTL 4.829 billion (EUR 1.397 billion). It was LTL 348.8 million (EUR 100.9 million) or 7.8 percent higher year-on-year, and LTL 131.2 million (EUR 37.9 million) or 2.8 percent higher than projected.
Social insurance fees made up 96.7 percent (LTL 4.670 billion or EUR 1.354 billion) of SoDra’s income. Insurance fees increased by 7.6 percent or LTL 331.1 million (EUR 95.97 million) compared to January-June 2013.
Social insurance fees paid by self-employed people amounted to LTL 143.1 million (EUR 41.4 million), i.e. by LTL 17.1 million (EUR 4.9 million) or 13.6 percent more year-on-year.
SoDra’s expenditure in the first half of 2014 stood at 5.568 billion (EUR 1.611 billion), i.e. by LTL 24 million (EUR 6.9 million) or 0.4 percent less year-on-year.
73.2 percent of SoDra’s expenditure went for paying pensions, 11.3 percent was spent on paying illness and maternity leaves, 3.5 percent was spent on paying social insurance for the unemployed. The amount transferred to pension funds was LTL 216.9 million (EUR 62.7 million)
In the first half on 2014 SoDra’s budget deficit was LTL 738.5 million (EUR 214.0 million), i.e. by LTL 142.4 million (EUR 41.3 million) less than projected and LTL 372.8 million (EUR 108.1 million) less year-on-year.
From January to June SoDra received 48,500 more reports about employment than discharge.
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