Alexander Lukashenko

  • Latest

Wagner behind the border: if the “black swans” show up, the consequences could be catastrophic

"With Wagner mercenaries hovering close to Poland's borders, Poles warn that Russia is deliberately trying to destabilise the border region.…

11 months ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Is holding Lukashenka’s regime accountable a tangible goal or merely a pipe dream?

Belarusian opposition activist Pavel Latushko at the conference “Responsibility of Lukashenka’s Regime for Crimes Against Humanity and Migrant Crisis: Prospects…

1 year ago
  • Defence

“Warsaw will melt, and Vilnius will sink”: threats and Putin’s intentions

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that constructing a nuclear weapons storage facility on Belarusian territory will be completed by…

1 year ago
  • Latest

Will Putin and Lukashenko get an international arrest warrant for persecuting the Russian and Belarusian opposition?

In recent days, international justice has gathered momentum and made itself known. Last Thursday (16 March), the International Criminal Court…

1 year ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lukashenko threatens Lithuania again – this time over the port of Klaipėda

The illegitimate President of Belarus, Aliaksandr Lukashenko, has demanded tough measures in response to Lithuania's takeover of Belarus' shares in…

2 years ago
  • Latest

Most illegal migrants are not interested in life in Lithuania; their destination is W. Europe

Hundreds of foreigners have fled their accommodation in Lithuania since the country stopped restricting the movement of illegal migrants. According…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

War crimes in Ukraine: create a special tribunal for Putin and Lukashenko

Since the war began in Ukraine, more than 10,000 incidents of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity have been…

2 years ago
  • Latest

Assessing Lukashenko’s strategy: a plan to retire him instead of the gallows

While Belarusian dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenko threatens that the Baltic states will lose their statehood if the escalating tensions between the…

2 years ago
  • Top

Assessing when Lukashenko’s hybrid attack might run out of steam: options for retreat are already being explored

Nearly two months have passed since a state of emergency was imposed on Lithuania's border with Belarus due to an…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Laurinkus. Dictator Lukashenko will slam the door before he leaves, whether he shoots himself in the foot or not

Predictions about the direction of the crisis on Poland's border with Belarus are pouring in. All of them are broadly…

3 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lukashenko paving a new migrant route via Moscow and Grodno

As the European Union tries to stem the news flow of migrants from the Middle East through Belarus, the country's…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

The fight against the Lukashenko regime takes an unexpected turn

The strategy to stop illegal migration from Belarus has taken a turn that was unexpected for Lithuanian politicians: outgoing German…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Pavilionis on Nausėda’s statement: difficult to understand and Polish colleagues are “profoundly surprised”

As tensions on the Belarusian-Polish-Baltic border continue to escalate, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her capacity as a representative…

3 years ago
  • Latest

How Russia is consuming Belarus: signs showing a nuclear state inching closer toward Lithuania

Russia is taking root in Belarus at nearly no cost – the two countries’ military integration is deepening, with this…

3 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Laurinkus. Signs of Lukashenko’s desperation and the Sword of Damocles lingering above politicians

It is far simpler to review the week’s events than to propose how old and new problems should be resolved.…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania must prepare for the most unexpected decisions and diversionary terrorist attacks from Lukashenko

The current influx of migrants, purposefully directed from Belarus into Lithuania, is dangerous, not due to poor experience in handling…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Will the sanction clouds darken Belarus’ skies and two potential scenarios

If sanctions could help replace the political regimes in Russia and Belarus, I would approve even their most severe variants,…

3 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Help imprisoned Belarusian journalists!

Over the past month, the Belarusian regime has been brutally persecuting the free and independent press. The editorial office for…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Laurinkus. In the shadow of Moscow and Zapad, Lithuanians taken hostage by Lukashenko and his circle

As a regular citizen and of importance only to myself, I would like to extend my Easter wishes to the…

3 years ago
  • Opinion

Laurinkus. The decisions on Belarus are important and support for Navalny is a risky exam for Lithuania

Good news for Lithuanian foreign policy – President G. Nausėda seeks for a Belarus strategy to be created. We have…

3 years ago