Andrius Tapinas EN

  • Opinion

What protests shook Lithuania in 2018?

From doctors to teachers. Against children’s rights protection law changes and for the impeachment of a member of Seimas. The…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Rimvydas Valatka. Seimas Kirkutis stories: will Skvernelis end as Musolini did?

The prime minister and his leaser Head of All of Lithuania’s hysteria is spreading to regular Seimas “Farmers”. Take Algimantas…

6 years ago
  • Society

Tapinas named most influential journalist in Lithuania – survey

Andrius Tapinas, a TV host and founder of the internet television Laisvės TV, has been named the most influential journalist…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Vytautas Sinica. Let’s not threaten with the “Brown Plague”

Allusions to alleged Nazism of one's opponent are characteristic to debates on values in Lithuania and beyond."That's what Hitler did!",…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Vilnius Mayor Šimašius among Lithuanians blacklisted by Russia

Vilniaus Mayor Remigijus Šimašius says that he is on Russia's blacklist of Lithuanians barred from entering the country. [...]

6 years ago
  • Politics

President’s email exchange with Masiulis: what do we know?

Following the Lietuvos Rytas report on Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė's email exchange with former liberal leader Eligijus Masiulis, BNS Lithuania…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Russia bars entry to undisclosed number of Lithuanian citizens (Updated)

An undisclosed number of Lithuanian citizens, including several journalists and MPs, have been banned from coming to Russia. [...]

6 years ago
  • Opinion

The final war of the term? What Skvernelis and Grybauskaitė‘s conflict means

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and President Dalia Grybauskaitė have come to blows. Their confrontation is already being described by analysts…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Did Skvernelis act wisely? Tensions growing between Grybauskaitė and the ruling coalition

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis' decision to propose lawyer Giedrius Danėlius as minister of justice is being described as the majority's…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Kęstutis Girnius. Did the Seimas cast a challenge to the rule of law?

With the impeachment of M. Bastys failing in Seimas, a wave of outrage rippled forward, part earnest, part based on…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Some 5,000 gather in protest rally outside Seimas

Some 5,000 people gathered outside the Lithuanian parliament in Vilnius on Thursday afternoon to express discontent with the failed parliamentary…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

V. Nekrošius: there is no chance of snap Seimas elections

"Not one bit. 85 votes are needed and that's impossible. There's no chance," professor Vytautas Nekrošius thus described the possibility…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Thousands expected to protest in Vilnius against failed impeachment of MP Bastys

Laisvės TV, an online television station set up by journalist Andrius Tapinas, is organizing a protest outside the parliament building…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Why Dargužaitė did not succeed: two reasons are spoken of

Chief of staff of the government of the Republic of Lithuania Milda Dargužaitė announced her resignation on Friday, having worked…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

In search of the new president: elite and common people’s choices surfacing

The citizens of Lithuania currently would see three men in the post of president – Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Kaunas…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanians want Skvernelis, Nauseda, Matijosaitis for president – Delfi/Spinter poll

People in Lithuania would vote for Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, economist Gitanas Nausėda and Kaunas Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis in presidential…

7 years ago
  • Global LT

Lithuanian business community of Britain to organise annual Charity Ball in London

The Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom (LCCUK) is continuing its tradition of supporting vulnerable social groups and…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanians want Skvernelis, Nausėda, Matijošaitis in presidential race

Lithuanian residents mainly want to vote for Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis in the 2019 presidential race, followed by economist Gitanas…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Presidential electoral campaign begins: favourites begin to surface

Political scientists have observed signs that reveal the begining of the presidential election campaign. Among the most popular potential candidates,…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanians want Skvernelis, Nausėda, Matijošaitis for president

Lithuanian voters would cast most votes for Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, SEB bank president's adviser Gitanas Nausėda and Kaunas Mayor…

7 years ago