Arijus Katauskas EN

  • Politics

Comment on Nausėda: he keeps glancing at the rear view mirror

President-Elect Gitanas Nausėda has repeated a number of times that things will be different now. G. Nausėda promises a different…

5 years ago
  • Opinion

Public relations expert: soon S. Skvernelis will come into question

By firing three of his cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has won some time to try and contain the…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Facebook entries or live meetings: what will help win the presidential elections?

Who will win in the elections? The one to post the most entries on social media or the one to…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

What Paksas expects: no expenses spared for the litas return campaign

Rolandas Paksas' movement I call the Nation has started its first communications campaign – billboards presenting it have appeared in…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

A headache for Karbauskis: is it worth betting on Skvernelis?

While Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has yet to announce his decision on whether he will run for president next year,…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Three types of candidate aiming for Lithuanian presidency. Which will Lithuania choose?

One candidate to become head of state is watching basketball matches alongside the nation, another reads and quotes Jaroslav Hašek's…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Public relations experts: it is time for Grybauskaitė to reveal what she knows

In anticipation of Tuesday's annual address by President Dalia Grybauskaitė, the last of her presidency, public relations experts are musing,…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

The parties are ill – an unfortunate end looms

The major political powers have entered a realm of scandal, suspicions, fracture and other problems. Political scientists and analysts conclude…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

The Conservatives will propose potential candidates to president. Whom would you choose?

At the end of October the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) will organise internal elections where not only…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

The game V. Matijošaitis is playing

The candidate names floating around currently are likely to be the same ones we will see at the end of…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Potential pitfalls for G. Nausėda in the presidential race

Economist Gitanas Nausėda who is the current leading candidate in the presidential race is adhering to the same lines as…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Why Dargužaitė did not succeed: two reasons are spoken of

Chief of staff of the government of the Republic of Lithuania Milda Dargužaitė announced her resignation on Friday, having worked…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Shocking statements by R. Vanagaitė outside Lithuania

Rūta Vanagaitė herself accused Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas of untrue things, meanwhile her defenders accuse Lithuania.The loudest voice here is that of…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Presidential electoral campaign begins: favourites begin to surface

Political scientists have observed signs that reveal the begining of the presidential election campaign. Among the most popular potential candidates,…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Most influential nominees recommended to do more than bask in fame

People nominated to the lists of most influential should use their influence for good, rather than bask in their fame,…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Ruling Farmers party to circulate 300,000 copies of party paper

The ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LFGU) pledges to kick off the next political season with solution of the…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

The end of the political season. Who obtained what?

While the cities were drowning from rain, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and the Farmer Greens were trying to save their…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Public relations expert – Vilnius’ mayor Šimašius has nothing to boast of

In the public sphere, Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius has created the image of someone who smiles much, but has achieved…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

First presidential rating: the possible list of winners is short

Lithuania Presidential elections will be in 2019 but the candidates are still unclear: politicians are waiting, assessing their abilities, and…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Word duel between Skvernelis and Paluckas: who won?

„Harsh public rhetoric from Saulius Skvernelis is not new. On the other hand, with him being the most popular politician,…

7 years ago