asylum seekers

Seimas revises asylum application procedures in response to the influx of irregular migrantsSeimas revises asylum application procedures in response to the influx of irregular migrants
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Seimas revises asylum application procedures in response to the influx of irregular migrants

At its extraordinary session, the Seimas adopted, under a special urgency procedure, amendments to the Law on the Legal Status…

4 years ago
Experts call for allowing asylum seekers to work in LithuaniaExperts call for allowing asylum seekers to work in Lithuania
  • Society

Experts call for allowing asylum seekers to work in Lithuania

Asylum seekers are not allowed to take up jobs or start businesses in Lithuania until they have been granted temporary…

7 years ago
Lithuania won’t slow down pace of accepting refugees – Minister of InteriorLithuania won’t slow down pace of accepting refugees – Minister of Interior
  • European Union
  • Society

Lithuania won’t slow down pace of accepting refugees – Minister of Interior

Lithuania will not slow down the pace of relocation of refugees after expiry of the European Union's (EU) two-year program,…

7 years ago
Lithuania denies asylum to Tajik man linked to Islamic terroristsLithuania denies asylum to Tajik man linked to Islamic terrorists
  • Society

Lithuania denies asylum to Tajik man linked to Islamic terrorists

The Lithuanian Migration Department has decided to deny asylum to Alisher Toshev, a Tajik national who was last week detained…

8 years ago
Lithuania takes in 4 Afghans who worked with Lithuanian troopsLithuania takes in 4 Afghans who worked with Lithuanian troops
  • Society

Lithuania takes in 4 Afghans who worked with Lithuanian troops

Four local men who worked with Lithuanian troops in Afghanistan have come to live in Lithuania, with one of them…

8 years ago
Migration officials drawing up housing register for asylum-seekersMigration officials drawing up housing register for asylum-seekers
  • Society

Migration officials drawing up housing register for asylum-seekers

The Migration Department is drawing up a register of dwellings asylum-seekers could be housed in if there is a sudden…

8 years ago
Latvian detained for smuggling in 3 Indian asylum-seekersLatvian detained for smuggling in 3 Indian asylum-seekers
  • Uncategorized

Latvian detained for smuggling in 3 Indian asylum-seekers

Lithuanian border guards on September 23 detained a Latvian woman for illegally transporting three Indian asylum-seekers from Latvia across Lithuania…

8 years ago
Russian journalist Nekrasov applies for political asylum in LithuaniaRussian journalist Nekrasov applies for political asylum in Lithuania
  • Uncategorized

Russian journalist Nekrasov applies for political asylum in Lithuania

Russian opposition journalist Andrei Nekrasov, who arrived in Vilnius on Wednesday morning after being detained in Cyprus, has asked Lithuania…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuania granted asylum to 75 foreigners in 2014

The 27 European Union (EU) Member States for which data are available granted protection status to 185,000 asylum seekers in…

10 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania pauses decisions on granting asylum for Ukrainians

Lithuania has suspended the decisions on granting asylums to Ukrainian citizens, Lietuvos Žinios daily said on Wednesday. [...]

10 years ago
  • Society

440 people asked for asylum in Lithuania in 2014

The number of asylum applicants in Lithuanian last year stood at 440, a 10 percent increase from 2013 with 400…

10 years ago
Lithuania receives 25 Ukrainian asylum requestsLithuania receives 25 Ukrainian asylum requests
  • Society

Lithuania receives 25 Ukrainian asylum requests

Twenty-five Ukrainian nationals have asked for asylum in Lithuania over the first half of this year in the wake of…

11 years ago