Aurelijus Veryga EN

A revealing detail about the upcoming presidential elections: something no other politician can boastA revealing detail about the upcoming presidential elections: something no other politician can boast
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A revealing detail about the upcoming presidential elections: something no other politician can boast

If the conservatives decide to send Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė to next year's presidential elections, she would start from a…

2 years ago
Experts see one serious rival to Šimonytė: “There is no one like the Prime Minister”Experts see one serious rival to Šimonytė: “There is no one like the Prime Minister”
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Experts see one serious rival to Šimonytė: “There is no one like the Prime Minister”

One crisis after another keeps falling on the shoulders of those in power. Some politicians are watching them and not…

3 years ago
Who could replace Nausėda? Grybauskaitė – one foot in a trap that could scare her awayWho could replace Nausėda? Grybauskaitė – one foot in a trap that could scare her away
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Who could replace Nausėda? Grybauskaitė – one foot in a trap that could scare her away

The presidential elections will take place in May 2024, but politicians do not seem to be rushing to fill the…

3 years ago
The popularity of two politicians – a mystery for political scientists: could they become president?The popularity of two politicians – a mystery for political scientists: could they become president?
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The popularity of two politicians – a mystery for political scientists: could they become president?

The political climate is increasingly marked by rating fluctuations. Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the speaker of the Seimas and leader of the…

3 years ago
The president’s honeymoon has endedThe president’s honeymoon has ended
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The president’s honeymoon has ended

September 1 has arrived and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports’ negotiations with teachers’ unions have once more entered…

5 years ago
Thanks to Širinskienė “Farmer” party shaking from fratricidal conflictThanks to Širinskienė “Farmer” party shaking from fratricidal conflict
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Thanks to Širinskienė “Farmer” party shaking from fratricidal conflict

The example set by Seimas Legal Affairs Committee head Agnė Širinskienė to settle accounts with her own by employing the…

6 years ago
Veryga and Kukuraitis explain themselves to the president: their fate is on the lineVeryga and Kukuraitis explain themselves to the president: their fate is on the line
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Veryga and Kukuraitis explain themselves to the president: their fate is on the line

President Gitanas Nausėda has met with several ministers that have been delegated by the “Farmers”. One of the first to…

6 years ago
R. Karbauskis wants changes in his party: R. Baškienė and A. Nekrošius to no longer be his deputiesR. Karbauskis wants changes in his party: R. Baškienė and A. Nekrošius to no longer be his deputies
  • Politics

R. Karbauskis wants changes in his party: R. Baškienė and A. Nekrošius to no longer be his deputies

With the Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) congress nearing, “Farmer” leader Ramūnas Karbauskis has spoken to party members, proposing…

6 years ago
What protests shook Lithuania in 2018?What protests shook Lithuania in 2018?
  • Opinion

What protests shook Lithuania in 2018?

From doctors to teachers. Against children’s rights protection law changes and for the impeachment of a member of Seimas. The…

6 years ago
  • Economy

Government approves procedures for licensing stores wishing to sell medicine

The cabinet has approved a pharmacy licensing regulations amendment project proposed by the Ministry of Healthcare, which will allow retailers…

6 years ago
VTEK: Veryga is in breach of the lawVTEK: Veryga is in breach of the law
  • Politics

VTEK: Veryga is in breach of the law

Minister of Healthcare Aurelijus Veryga is in breach of the public and private interest separation in state service law requirements…

6 years ago
E. Gentvilas on Skvernelis’ move: with one more minister removed, he would run for president as a victimE. Gentvilas on Skvernelis’ move: with one more minister removed, he would run for president as a victim
  • Politics

E. Gentvilas on Skvernelis’ move: with one more minister removed, he would run for president as a victim

Liberal Movement leader Eugenijus Gentvilas tells that Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, who has announced the firing of three ministers,…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Health minister to table new hospital network reform amendments

Lithuanian Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga and several lawmakers said on Friday they are submitting new amendments to a healthcare network…

6 years ago
Minister expects Seimas to approve hospital reform during fall sessionMinister expects Seimas to approve hospital reform during fall session
  • Politics

Minister expects Seimas to approve hospital reform during fall session

Lithuanian Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga expects the Seimas to pass by the end of the current fall session new amendments…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania, Latvia sign agreement on emergency medical services in border area

The Lithuanian and Latvian health ministers have signed an agreement on emergency medical services (EMS) in the border area of…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Šarūnas Legatas. Ideologized political science turns a blind eye on issues of security

In a recent article by Kęstutis Girnius, titled "Is there an effort to antagonize the Russian minority of Lithuania?", the…

6 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian health minister doesn’t promise any concessions to tobacco producers

Lithuanian Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, who is putting forward proposals aimed at discouraging smoking, did not promise any concessions to…

7 years ago
  • Society

Health Ministry to improve its anti-smoking proposals

Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said on Tuesday that the Health Ministry will have to improve its proposed package of…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Heated political autumn forecast

Both the majority and opposition predict that the new political season starting with the autumn session next week will be…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Part of medics’ trade unions in Lithuania renew agreements with HealthMin

Part of medics' trade unions have renewed their agreements with the Ministry of Health over pay rises and longer vacations.…

7 years ago