
  • Opinion

Opinion:Political Correctness – a road to hell paved with good intentions

A year ago, when Islamist radicals shot and killed eight members of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial office, Europe bravely stood up…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Latvian parliament approves moral education in schools

The Latvian Saeima decided in the final reading on Thursday to approve amendments to the Education Law, stipulating that education…

9 years ago
  • Politics

President Grybauskaitė’s annual press conference: No dialogue with Russia backing “terrorists” in Ukraine

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė stated on Wednesday that a dialogue with Russia is impossible until Moscow "is engaged in aggression"…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian media watchdog decides that LGBT rights video is harmful to children

A social video ad about LGBT families is detrimental to minors and therefore must be restricted, the Office of the…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: Waiting for the barbarians, or why fairytales get censored in Lithuania (I)

In her fairy tale book Amber Heart, Neringa Dangvydė addresses "the twilight zone": same-sex marriage, shifting identities, social exclusion taking…

10 years ago