Cold War

  • Central/Eastern Europe

The end of Prague Spring: a view from Bratislava

On 21 August, we mark the beginning of the occupation of Czechoslovakia, which the Communist Party also calls the entry…

2 years ago
  • Defence

First spy exchange in Lithuania: how did it happen?

Several decades ago, hostile parties would meet on a Havel river bridge in Germany and exchange captive intelligence operatives. This…

5 years ago
  • European Union

Heiko Maas: Where were you when the Berlin Wall came down?

Heiko Maas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany All of us in Europe who experienced 9 November 1989 can answer this question.…

5 years ago
  • Uncategorized

How to make the deal of the deals with Russia? After dinner with E. Lucas

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say.…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Why do the current sanctions against Russia not stop the war in Ukraine?

Following the political changes that began in Ukraine in 2013, Russia has commenced a hybrid war, which culminated not only…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Baltic security in the age of Trump

The election of Donald J. Trump as US President on November 7, 2016 has brought a year of living dangerously…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Reinstating conscription in Lithuania: bringing society back into defence?

In 2015, with the security environment on NATO's eastern frontiers deteriorating as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, Lithuania…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Ušackas ending diplomatic service to enter Lithuanian politics – interview

Lithuanian diplomat Vygaudas Ušackas, the European Union's (EU) ambassador to Russia, says he will shortly end his diplomatic service in…

7 years ago
  • Defence
  • European Union

Germany Minister of Defence: Never again will freedom of Lithuania be sacrificed

In her congratulatory message to the German-led NATO battalion in Lithuania, Germany's Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday…

8 years ago
  • European Union
  • Foreign affairs

Central, Eastern European politicians urge Trump to stop concessions to Russia

Central and Eastern European politicians have urged United States President-Elect Donald Trump to stop making concessions to Russian President Vladimir…

8 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

President Grybauskaitė: US should stay leader in security architecture

The United States have always been the guarantee of democracy, peace and freedom, therefore, it is important that it stays…

8 years ago
  • Defence

Deterrence is key – Stoltenberg tells Baltic states

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday assured the Baltic states that the most important thing for the Alliance was…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

NATO and Russia must talk to each other now more than ever

With tensions between Moscow and NATO at its worst since the end of the Cold War, it is now more…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Warsaw decisions: Is one battalion enough?

The NATO summit in Warsaw has been lauded as historical, a breaking point that gave the Baltic states and Poland…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Great power games: Do ordinary Russians really want war?

Does the international perception of Russia as an expansionist and warmongering country sit well with the mood of Russia's population?…

8 years ago
  • Defence
  • Opinion

Is Sweden and Finland joining NATO inevitable?

A recent study commissioned by Finland has outlined the pros and cons of the country joining NATO. [...]

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Is the West misreading Vladimir Putin?

Is the West misreading Russian President Vladimir Putin? Brookings Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for the United States…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Managing the risks of the US-Russia confrontation in Eastern Europe

Unlike in the Cold War, the current Russia-United States confrontation is asymmetrical, which carries different dangers. Cooperation will remain limited…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Lessons from Denmark – how Lithuania can generate support from allies to deter Russia

As the Baltic States try to convince NATO allies that Russia represents a real threat to security in Europe, a…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Asia’s rise, Russia, and the future of the global order

This week, Kevin Rudd, president of the Asia Society Policy Institute and former Australian prime minister, will be visiting Moscow.…

8 years ago