Credit union

Bank of Lithuania may face lawsuits after credit regulations ruled unconstitutionalBank of Lithuania may face lawsuits after credit regulations ruled unconstitutional

Bank of Lithuania may face lawsuits after credit regulations ruled unconstitutional

Lithuanian courts have ruled that a Bank of Lithuania rule forbidding the granting of credit to people who must spend…

9 years ago
IMF calls on Lithuania to reform credit union sectorIMF calls on Lithuania to reform credit union sector

IMF calls on Lithuania to reform credit union sector

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said Lithuania needs to carry out structural reforms to its credit unions sector.Lithuania‘s central…

9 years ago
Credit unions oppose regulation aimed at solidifying the marketCredit unions oppose regulation aimed at solidifying the market

Credit unions oppose regulation aimed at solidifying the market

Part of the credit unions operating in Lithuania are opposing a new law aimed at solidifying the market.The Ministry of…

9 years ago
New law to allow mergers of credit unionsNew law to allow mergers of credit unions

New law to allow mergers of credit unions

The Lithuanian parliament is to consider a bill allowing mergers of credit unions. The Bank of Lithuania says the measure…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Losses of Lithuania’s credit unions narrow

Assets of 63 credit unions that are members of the Lithuanian Central Credit Union (LCKU) amounted to LTL 1.37 billion…

11 years ago