Criminal Code

  • European Union

Group of 8 faces human trafficking charges after pocketing social benefits in UK

A group of eight accomplices who used to take Lithuanian citizens to the United Kingdom to later pocket their social…

8 years ago
  • Society

Hateful online comments about Orlando shootings under criminal investigation in Lithuania

Lithuanian prosecutors have opened an investigation into anti-gay statements posted in comment sections of Lithuanian online newspapers in the wake…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

What’s at stake for MP Vytautas Gapšys?

The high-profile corruption case, which has already seen suspicions brought against MG Baltic vice-president Raimonas Kurlianskis and former leader of…

8 years ago
  • Society

OSCE praises Lithuanian president’s veto of law on court reporting

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has welcomed Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė's decision to veto amendments to…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian president vetoes controversial law on reporting from court hearings

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has vetoed amendments to the Criminal Code introducing criminal liability for making material from closed court…

8 years ago
  • Society

Reporters call on president to veto restrictions to reporting on court cases

Lithuanian reporters have asked the country's president to veto a law that introduces penalties for reporting on non-open trial procedures.…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Proposals to outlaw disinformation ‘reminiscent of Soviet era’

Critics say that the Lithuanian intelligence body's proposals to make spreading disinformation a criminal offence in order "to step up…

8 years ago
  • Society

‘Not one conviction for bribing doctors recorded in Lithuania in 7 years’

Not a single conviction for bribing a member of the medical profession in Lithuania has been recorded in the seven…

9 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

US to extradite former MP and judge Venckienė to face charges in Lithuania

The US Justice Department has announced it has accepted Lithuania’s request for extradition of former MP and former judge Neringa…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian police crack child pornography distribution network

In cooperation with foreign counterparts, Lithuania's police have busted a distribution network of pornography involving minors, with suspicions brought against…

9 years ago
  • Defence

Investigators of Lithuanian army’s website hack seek assistance from abroad

After hackers broke into the website of the Lithuanian Army's Joint Staff, Lithuanian prosecutors sent out requests for legal assistance…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian police conduct searches amidst investigation into anti-constitutional groups

Lithuanian law-enforcement officers on Thursday conducted searches in homes of several individuals in the framework of an investigation into operations…

9 years ago
  • Politics

About 20 investigations opened into election violations in Lithuania

About 20 investigations have already been opened in Lithuania into violations reported during the elections to local governments, the Police…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian prosecutors investigate suspected anti-constitutional activity on Facebook page

The Lithuanian Prosecutor General's Office has opened a pre-trial investigation into suspected crimes against Lithuania's independence, territorial integrity and Constitutional…

10 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian Seimas will not consider Criminal Code amendments easing bribery punishment yet

Seimas Speaker Loreta Graužinienė says that parliament will not consider amendments to the Criminal Code during the parliament's current session.…

10 years ago