
  • European Union

Heiko Maas: Where were you when the Berlin Wall came down?

Heiko Maas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany All of us in Europe who experienced 9 November 1989 can answer this question.…

5 years ago
  • Opinion

The Baltic states in Russian military strategy

Today, it is generally accepted inside NATO that the events of 2014 marked Russia's turn towards an avowedly revisionist course,…

7 years ago
  • Defence

US envoy hopes for “back-to-school” ceasefire in Ukraine

Kurt Volker, the US special representative for Ukraine, says that he has hope that a fresh ceasefire between Russia-backed separatists…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs
  • Opinion

The real reasons behind Russia’s recent restraint – and how long it is likely to last

With the NATO summit in Warsaw coming up in July, the rhetoric in many Western quarters is becoming shriller about…

8 years ago
  • Defence

US general says NATO must take initiative in Baltic

During a press conference in Vilnius, Ben Hodges, the commanding general of the US Army in Europe, said that the…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Mogherini in Vilnius: Ukraine truce still in place

The ceasefire in Ukraine is still in place, but local elections in Donbass must be held based on Ukrainian law,…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Third Ukrainian-Lithuanian family arrives in Lithuania

A third Ukrainian family of Lithuanian descent has arrived in Lithuania on Wednesday. The Lithuanian government has offered to resettle…

9 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: Movement protecting Ukraine from Putin came under criticism

There is much discussion about the conflict between Ukraine's nationalist movement the Right Sector and the government. In Lithuania, the…

9 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: Spark of hope that Russia’s aggression will not pass this time

The German daily Berliner Zeitung was the first one to report about the resignation of Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini as OSCE…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Lithuanian minister in charge of making Ukraine economy more efficient: 400 ministry staff gone in 7 months

Many Lithuanians follow closely developments in Kiev, where Aivaras Abromavičius, a 39-year-old Vilnius-born businessman, has been put in charge of…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Baltic states the line Russia will not dare to cross?

Norman M. Naimark, professor at Stanford University, is one of the most authoritative experts on Central and Eastern Europe in…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Ukraine peace talks: What are the goals and the stakes?

While Ukraine's government forces are fighting pro-Russia separatists in the eastern Donbass region, Western leaders are engaging in a tense…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

American analyst Janusz Bugajski: There are things in Russia that West fear more than Putin

Western powers are less fearful of Putin than of the chaos and unpredictability that the massive nuclear country might sink…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

EU will not sacrifice Crimea for peace in Donbass, Lithuanian minister says

Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Minister Linas Linkevičius says that he does not believe that the European Union (EU) will ever recognize…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

President Grybauskaitė’s advisor: No place for appeasement politics in Ukraine

Chief foreign policy advisor to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, Jovita Neliupšienė, says that Russia's direct involvement in conflict in the…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: So long sucker or how Putin’s propaganda succeeded in playing the extremists

In the 1950s, Nobel Prize winning mathematician John Forbes Nash invented a Machiavellian game entitled So Long Suckers. To win,…

10 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuanian government sets aside EUR 43,800 for treatment of Ukrainians

The Lithuanian Cabinet on Monday earmarked 151,000 litas (EUR 43,700) from its reserve fund for treatment and rehabilitation of Ukrainians…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: More than meets the eye or the case against a ‘frozen conflict’ in East Ukraine

Currently it seems that the on-going Ukrainian–Russian conflict in the East of Ukraine is drawing to a possible end. However,…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

US analyst: Lithuanian-Russian relations give new meaning to “the dialogue of the deaf”

Russia is not going to give in to Western pressures and might get even more confrontational, especially as its economy…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Marshall plan for Ukraine: What should be done a year after Maidan?

The new Ukrainian Government has been appointed one year after the Euromaidan revolution began in Kyiv. In November 2013, those…

10 years ago