The compulsory mathematics exam is introduced to enhance logical and mathematical skills of the society and to increase the number…
There are plans to revive the Institute of Pedagogy in Lithuania to ensure coordination of secondary education programmes and proper…
Lithuania's Education and Science Minister Dainius Pavalkis has signed a decree on making the math exam compulsory as of 2016…
The European Humanities University (EHU) has completed its core faculty hiring process, the goal of which is to strengthen the…
This year, educational institutions in Vilnius received more than LTL 29 million (EUR 8.4 million) for refurbishment and modernisation of…
The number of students given scholarships to study in state-funded education institutions in Lithuania rose to 14,922 this year, up…
The education level in Lithuania may not seem good enough to some people but it’s education with a fresh perspective…
Mai Nguyen Ngoc, whose family is of Vietnamese origin, has passed the Lithuanian state language exam excellently and got 100…