Elvinas Jankevičius EN

  • Politics

Lithuanian party membership conditions to be eased for EU citizens

On Tuesday, the Seimas passed amendments to the political party law prepared by the Ministry of Justice. The amendments will…

6 years ago
  • Society

Punishments for minor felonies to be lessened: community service could apply

It has been proposed that lesser punishments such as house arrest or community service would be set for minor penalties.…

6 years ago
  • Society

Number of prisoners to be decreased in Lithuania – minister

Lithuania's Ministry of Justice is working on a project which, if fully implemented, should contribute to reducing the number of…

6 years ago
  • Society

Lukiškės prison relocation plan almost finished, Lithuanian justmin says

Specialists are finishing the plan on the relocation of Lukiškės Remand Prison from central Vilnius, Lithuanian Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuania bars third-country consultants from elections

The Lithuanian parliament passed on Thursday a bill banning third-country consultants from advising Lithuanian political parties and candidates during elections.…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Seimas makes first step in bringing hope to life prisoners

The Seimas of Lithuania on Tuesday made the first step towards bringing the hope of release to those sentenced to…

6 years ago
  • European Union
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania, 7 other EU countries agree to step up communism’s crimes investigation

Government officials from eight EU member states, including Lithuanian Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius, have met in Tallinn to discuss closer…

6 years ago
  • Society

Justmin mulls renouncing halfway house demand for convicts

Lithuanian Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius is doubting the effectiveness of halfway houses and calls for considering other measures for inmates…

6 years ago
  • Society

JustMin initiates swift eviction of Lukiškės prison

Lithuania's Ministry of Justice is initiative swift eviction of Lukiškės Remand Prison from central Vilnius. [...]

6 years ago
  • Society

Up to 450 inmates would be affected by amnesty in Lithuania

400-450 inmates would be affected by proposed amnesty in Lithuania, Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius said on Tuesday after meeting with…

6 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian justmin slams “xenophobic” attack on Ecuadorian

Lithuania's Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius on Friday slammed an attack on an Ecuadorian in Vilnius, calling it a "xenophobic" crime.…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuania’s justmin, transmin richest govt members, healthmin poorest

Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius and Transport Minister Rokas Masiulis are the richest members of Lithuania's Cabinet. And Health Minister Aurelijus…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Seimas speaker accuses Russia of pressuring courts, prosecutors

Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis on Monday accused Moscow of putting pressure on Lithuanians officials after Russia launched…

6 years ago
  • Politics

LVŽS leader’s proposed centenary amnesty worth discussion, Lithuanian justmin says

An amnesty on the occasion of Lithuania's centenary and the upcoming visit of Pope Francis, proposed by Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader…

6 years ago
  • Society

Central Vilnius prison to be vacated in 3-4 years, justmin says

Prisoners from Lukiškės Prison in central Vilnius will be moved to other correctional facilities in three or four years, Lithuanian…

6 years ago
  • Politics

JustMin considers turning to law-enforcement over irregularities in prisons

The Lithuanian Justice Ministry is considering turning to law-enforcement bodies over irregularities identified during an audit of the Prison Department,…

6 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuanian defense minister plans to revise system of incentives for military service

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis plans to revise the existing system of incentives to serve in the military after the…

6 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuanian JustMin to propose scrapping employment preference for conscripts

The Lithuanian Justice Ministry will ask the Seimas to amend laws after the Constitutional Court ruled on Wednesday that a…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuanian president on ECHR judgment: we’ll have to comply

Lithuania will have to comply with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) judgment regarding a secret CIA prison, President…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania will consider appealing ECHR ruling on CIA prison – justmin (Updated)

Lithuania will consider appealing the European Court of Human Rights' ruling that a secret CIA prison operated in Lithuania, Justice…

6 years ago