energy efficiency

  • Opinion

Millions for gas stops wind

Gas consumption in Lithuania is decreasing, but in order to maintain expensive infrastructure the state will have to encourage energy…

7 years ago

Over 1,000 apartment buildings got energy efficiency upgrades in five years

The number of apartment buildings renovated under the housing renovation program have reached the thousand mark this week, Housing Energy…

8 years ago

Lithuanian government to spend €1m on making homes energy efficient

The Lithuanian government is calling for applications from home owners who want to make their houses energy-efficient.The funding will be…

8 years ago

More energy-efficient buildings popping up in Lithuania

Over the first quarter of this year, more energy-efficient buildings were registered than during the same period last year, according…

8 years ago
  • European Union

Energy union, the EU’s next revolution

Big changes often seem to move forward painfully slowly, while the most sweeping of them get triggered by steps no…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Nordic Investment Bank to provide long-term loan to Lithuania for buildings renovation

On Thursday, 23 April, the Board of Directors of the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) confirmed that the bank will issue…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanian government sets up EUR 80m energy efficiency fund

The Lithuanian government on Wednesday established an energy efficiency fund with 80 million euros earmarked for renovation of public buildings…

9 years ago
  • Energy

Lithuania’s LNG terminal: Less dependence on Russian gas, but more dependence on fossil fuel?

This Monday, Lithuania congratulated itself on finishing a seminal project in its energy independence policy and welcomed the floating liquefied…

10 years ago