Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson

  • Society

Disabled voters didn’t have equal access in 2016 general elections

People with disabilities did not have an equal opportunity to cast their ballots in Lithuania's parliamentary elections last October as…

8 years ago

Record number of appeals to Lithuanian equal opportunities ombudsman

Lithuania’s equal opportunities ombudsman received a record number of complaints in 2015.Since the establishment of the office in 2015 the…

8 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanians grow more aware of discrimination

People in Lithuania have become more forthcoming in reporting discrimination. The Seimas Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson has received 260…

9 years ago
  • Society

Bullying in Lithuanian schools: Gender sneers for girls, intelligence insults for boys

Bullying remains a pandemic problem in Lithuanian schools and can sometimes lead to tragic consequence, including suicide. The Equal Opportunities…

9 years ago
  • Society

Polish organizations in Lithuania under criticism for homophobic T-shirts

LGBT groups on Thursday expressed regret over the choice of Polish organizations in Lithuania to wear homophobic T-shirts with slogans…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuania’s new equal opportunities ombudswoman walks fine line between human rights and religion

From advisor on legal issues to the speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament, to deputy culture minister and, finally, to ombudsperson…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian parliament appoints equal opportunities ombudsperson

The Seimas of Lithuania has appointed Deputy Culture Minister Agneta Lobačevskytė as the head of the Office of Equal Opportunities…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian equal opportunities watchdog turns to prosecutors over insulting T-shirt

Lithuania's Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson's Office has launched an investigation into the sale of T-shirts allegedly insulting women by one Vilnius…

9 years ago
  • Society

Equality watchdog gets complaint over its own anti-violence campaign

Lithuania's Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson's Office has received a complaint over its own social anti-violence campaign "Men for Women" showing men…

9 years ago
  • Society

National Equality and Diversity Awards recognize equal opportunity advocates in Lithuania

In a gala ceremony on Tuesday night, national awards were handed out to individuals, organizations and initiatives that contributed most…

9 years ago
  • Society

Vilnius to host conference on equal opportunities

The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsman, National Equality and Diversity Forum, the Committee on Human Rights of the Seimas of…

9 years ago
  • Society

Man turns to equal opportunities watchdog after being denied entry to Chippendales show

The Lithuanian Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson is investigating a complaint filed by a man from Šiauliai who was not…

9 years ago
  • Society

More discrimination complaints lodged by men than women in Lithuania

59 percent of complaints received by the Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson of Lithuania last year came from men, figures…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanians increasingly knowledgeable how to defend their rights

More than half of Lithuanians know where to turn in case their rights are violated, a recent survey has revealed.…

10 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian parliament rejects equal opportunities ombudsperson candidate who supports same-ex partnership

The Lithuanian parliament on Tuesday again rejected a candidate for equal opportunities ombudsperson. [...]

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian equal opportunities watchdogs comment on gay fairy tales book

The Lithuanian Office of the Ombudsperson for Equal Opportunities has expressed criticism for the conclusion of the Journalist Ethics Inspector,…

10 years ago
  • Society

School graduates complain to equal opportunities watchdog over graduation ceremony in church

Lithuania's Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson's Office says it has received a complaint over a high school graduation diploma presentation ceremony held…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian company refuses services to Israeli citizens due to Gaza events

The State Consumer Rights Protection Authority of Lithuania forwarded a claim received from a foreign national to the Lithuanian Office…

10 years ago