European Court of Justice

  • Opinion

Economist Vytenis Šimkus: how much might Brexit cost Lithuania?

The mists over the future of UK – EU relations currently still lingers. It appears that Theresa May’s cabinet is…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Mindaugas Jurkynas. Not waiting for Godot: Lithuania and Poland tomorrow

Last month, the seventh Lithuanian and Polish policy and foreign affairs expert meeting was held in Birštonas. [...]

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuanian government works to avert EU fine over privies

The Lithuanian government is making every effort to avoid a fine from the European Commission for too many people in…

6 years ago
  • European Union
  • Society

ECJ ruling will allow gay couples to get Lithuanian residency – NGOs

Nongovernmental organizations hope the European Court of Justice's Tuesday ruling will pave the way for homosexuals from third countries, married…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania’s LFGU MPs want annex on GMO, beef in CETA

The ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union suggest ratifying the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on a condition…

6 years ago
  • European Union
  • Society

Dispute on Lithuanian sanctions for Russian TVs moves to EU Court of Justice (Updated)

The Lithuanian government will seek to prove at the EU Court of Justice that the media watchdog's order for rebroadcasters…

7 years ago
  • European Union
  • Politics

After warning from Brussels, Government considers easier party membership

Lithuania's government is considering simplified membership in political parties of Lithuania for citizens of other countries of the European Union…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Brussels warns Lithuania over restrictions on EU citizens joining political parties

The European Commission has warned Lithuania that it may take it to court over restrictions to citizens of other EU…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

D. Grybauskaitė: I hope that sanctions for Russia will be extended yet

The heads of European Union states will deliberate whether to extend sanctions on Russia and it is very important that…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

A project that may spark disputes between neighbours

A legislative project being discussed in Seimas right now to regulate strategic company operations may have a negative impact on…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Seimas again delays ratification of free trade deal with Canada

The Lithuanian parliament's Health Affairs Committee has no intentions of deciding on ratification of the free trade agreement between the…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

EU-Canada trade pact still sitting in Lithuanian Seimas committee’s drawer

The Seimas Committee on Health Affairs (CHA) does not plan to make its decision on the ratification of the Comprehensive…

7 years ago
  • European Union

Lithuania joins Poland’s appeal in EU court over Nord Stream

Lithuania has joined Poland's appeal against the European Commission's decision to give Russia's Gazprom more capacity on a branch of…

7 years ago
  • Society

Court orders Lithuanian version of last name, version with q in passport

The Supreme Administrative Court on Tuesday instructed migration authorities to include both the Lithuanian version and the original version of…

8 years ago
  • Economy

Four Lithuanians ranked among highest earning EU officials

Four Lithuanians have been ranked among the highest earning professionals in the institutions of the European Union. [...]

9 years ago
  • European Union

EU commission takes Lithuania to court rail safety rules

The European Commission has taken Lithuania to the EU Court of Justice for its failure to establish an independent rail…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanian courts can refuse to recognize Stockholm arbitration decision on Gazprom, ECJ rules

Lithuanian courts can decide whether or not to recognize a Stockholm arbitration award in a dispute between the Lithuanian Energy…

9 years ago
  • Society

Ban on right hand drive cars “uncosntitutional”, Lithuania’s top court rules

The existing ban on the use of right hand drive cars in Lithuania runs counter to the country's Constitution, the…

10 years ago
  • European Union

Hammond in Vilnius: Britain aims to curb “destabilizing” migration within EU

The United Kingdom aims to curb "destabilizing" migration flows within the European Union (EU) and does not rule out it…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanian Railways under EC anti-trust scrutiny over dismantling track to Latvia

If the European Commission decides that Lietuvos Geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways, or LG) limited competition in the rail market by removing…

10 years ago