European Stability Mechanism

Netherlands recruits Baltic States to compensate for effects of BrexitNetherlands recruits Baltic States to compensate for effects of Brexit
  • European Union
  • Opinion

Netherlands recruits Baltic States to compensate for effects of Brexit

The Netherlands is building new coalitions within the EU to compensate for the loss of the UK as the union's…

7 years ago
  • Economy
  • European Union

EU Commission proposes to set up European Monetary Fund

The European Commission proposes to transform the 500-billion-euro European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a European Monetary Fund (EMF) to more…

7 years ago
Euro adoption helped Lithuanians save €40mEuro adoption helped Lithuanians save €40m
  • Economy

Euro adoption helped Lithuanians save €40m

Lithuanian consumers and businesses saved some €40 million due to lower interest rates after the adoption of the euro a…

9 years ago
Lithuanian finance minister: Bailout package intended to get Greece back on its feetLithuanian finance minister: Bailout package intended to get Greece back on its feet
  • European Union

Lithuanian finance minister: Bailout package intended to get Greece back on its feet

Greece's 86-billion-euro bailout package is aimed at getting the country back on its feet so that it could borrow from…

10 years ago
Lithuanian government approves Greek bailout dealLithuanian government approves Greek bailout deal
  • European Union

Lithuanian government approves Greek bailout deal

The Lithuanian government on Monday approved a deal on a three-year 86-billion-euro bailout for Greece from the European Stability Mechanism…

10 years ago
Lithuanian government gives approval for Greece bailout talksLithuanian government gives approval for Greece bailout talks
  • European Union

Lithuanian government gives approval for Greece bailout talks

The Lithuanian government on Thursday approved in principle the European Commission's decision to negotiate, together with the European Central Bank…

10 years ago
  • European Union

Lithuania’s Labour Party says its ministers will not back Greek bailout plan

Lithuania's Labour Party said on Thursday its ministers would not back the proposed Greek bailout plan, calling for a ruling…

10 years ago
Lithuanian government to discuss Greek bailout on ThursdayLithuanian government to discuss Greek bailout on Thursday
  • Politics

Lithuanian government to discuss Greek bailout on Thursday

The Lithuanian cabinet of ministers on Thursday is to hold an extraordinary meeting over Greece's debt crisis. [...]

10 years ago
Lithuanian parliament speaker doubts if Greece will pass promised reformsLithuanian parliament speaker doubts if Greece will pass promised reforms
  • European Union

Lithuanian parliament speaker doubts if Greece will pass promised reforms

Lithuania's parliamentary speaker, Loreta Graužinienė, said on Wednesday that Lithuanian people "do not have to cover Greek debts" and that…

10 years ago
Lithuanian parliamentary committee to discuss Greek bailout on WednesdayLithuanian parliamentary committee to discuss Greek bailout on Wednesday
  • Politics

Lithuanian parliamentary committee to discuss Greek bailout on Wednesday

The Lithuanian Seimas Committee on European Affairs is scheduled on Wednesday to discuss the Greek bailout plan. [...]

10 years ago
  • European Union

Lithuanian government’s approval would be needed for ESM loan to Greece, finance minister says

Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius says that if the eurozone decided to provide financial support to Greece from the European Stability…

10 years ago
Lithuanian finance minister: Grexit would be ‘black scenario’Lithuanian finance minister: Grexit would be ‘black scenario’
  • European Union

Lithuanian finance minister: Grexit would be ‘black scenario’

Greece is asking for financial support from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Lithuanian Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius said on Tuesday.…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuania to make first payment into ESM

Lithuania, which formally joined the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in early February, will transfer the first 65.44-million-euro tranche of paid-in…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanian government okays first payment into ESM

The Lithuanian government on Wednesday, a day after the country formally joined the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), gave the green…

10 years ago
  • European Union

Lithuania joins European Stability Mechanism

On 3 February, Lithuania became the 19th member of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Lithuania has ratified the ESM Treaty…

10 years ago
  • European Union

One in, one out? What Greece leaving euro zone would cost Lithuania

As anti-EU moods are brewing in Greece, the euro zone is worried about a new round of financial crisis. Would…

10 years ago
Lithuanian parliament ratifies European Stability Mechanism treatyLithuanian parliament ratifies European Stability Mechanism treaty
  • Politics

Lithuanian parliament ratifies European Stability Mechanism treaty

The Lithuanian parliament has ratified the treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism. The agreement was signed by the euro area…

10 years ago