household finance

Lithuanians could live for six months on savingsLithuanians could live for six months on savings

Lithuanians could live for six months on savings

Lithuanians’ average savings in their bank accounts would allow them to survive for six months without receiving wages, according to…

9 years ago
New consumer protections to stop hidden insurance charges on way – Lithuanian Central BankNew consumer protections to stop hidden insurance charges on way – Lithuanian Central Bank

New consumer protections to stop hidden insurance charges on way – Lithuanian Central Bank

The Bank of Lithuania has proposed regulations for the insurance investment market, aimed at strengthening consumer protection and capping how…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Average Lithuanian wage jumps 6%

The average Lithuanian’s monthly pay packet grew by 5.9% in the final quarter of 2015, with a 4.6% rise in…

9 years ago
Lithuanians ‘missing out on lower interest rates by ignoring credit history’Lithuanians ‘missing out on lower interest rates by ignoring credit history’
  • Economy

Lithuanians ‘missing out on lower interest rates by ignoring credit history’

Almost half of all Lithuanians have taken out loans or bought something on credit, but very few take an interest…

9 years ago

Highest monthly wage in Lithuania hits record €250k in 2015

The highest monthly salary in Lithuania last year hit €250,000 with about 200 people earning into the tens of thousands…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Credit company fined record €30k for giving loans to jobless

Lithuanian banking regulators have hit a consumer credit company with a fine of €30,000 for issuing loans to unemployed applicants,…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Over half of Lithuanians stashing large amounts of money at home

Many Lithuanians are still keeping large amounts of money at home rather than lodging it in a bank, according to…

9 years ago
Lithuania’s central bank proposes to cap charges for basic banking servicesLithuania’s central bank proposes to cap charges for basic banking services
  • Economy

Lithuania’s central bank proposes to cap charges for basic banking services

The Bank of Lithuania has drafted a list of private banking services that it proposes should be made more accessible.…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Loan insurance company to look for Lithuanian debtors in UK

The government-run company Būsto Paskolų Draudimas, or Housing Loan Insurance, will search for people who have defaulted on their loans…

9 years ago
Most Lithuanians trust banks, but not instant credit companiesMost Lithuanians trust banks, but not instant credit companies
  • Economy

Most Lithuanians trust banks, but not instant credit companies

Two thirds of Lithuanians trust insurance companies and the same number of people is suspicious of instant credit companies. [...]

9 years ago
Most Lithuanians don’t have ‘financial airbag’Most Lithuanians don’t have ‘financial airbag’
  • Economy

Most Lithuanians don’t have ‘financial airbag’

The survey of financial literacy commissioned by the Bank of Lithuania has revealed that Lithuanians have only partially learned the…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Half of Lithuanian households would struggle to cover unplanned expenses

Although more than half of Lithuanians believe their knowledge of personal finance planning is "good" and a third think that…

10 years ago
More than half of married women in Lithuania feel financially insecureMore than half of married women in Lithuania feel financially insecure
  • Society

More than half of married women in Lithuania feel financially insecure

Fifty-five percent of women in Lithuania who are married or have a partner feel financially insecure. The main factor of…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Lithuanians spend less on food than Latvians or Estonians

A study of the expenses of households carried out by Swedbank's Institute of Private Finances has revealed that Lithuanians spend…

10 years ago
  • Economy

1 in 10 Lithuanians feel positive financial changes, survey shows

One in ten respondents in Lithuania reported that the economic situation of their household and the country as a whole…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Euro did not change Lithuanians’ household finance management habits

A telephone poll conducted by the company Provident Finansai revealed that the introduction of the euro did not change habits…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Average consumer loan in Lithuania EUR 2,317

Swedbank Lithuania's data shows that residents of Lithuania last year borrowed EUR 2,317 (LTL 8,000) on average for their consumer…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanians do not plan for retirement, bank analysts warn

It seems that Lithuanians care little about their financial security after retirement - their knowledge about the pension system is…

10 years ago
  • Economy

Lithuanians take out bigger housing loans

According to Swedbank, the average housing loan in Lithuania has continued to grow. In 2014, it was EUR 44,800, EUR…

10 years ago
  • Economy

One in ten households in Lithuania financially better off than a month ago

In November, one in ten Lithuanians said that their household's financial situation had improved. Five out of ten said it…

10 years ago