immigration crisis

  • Defence

Lithuania at the crossroads of an important choice: Kasčiūnas warned against irreversible processes

"Decisions made today may make immigration processes irreversible in 5-10 years," warned Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the National Security and…

1 year ago
  • Latest

Landsbergis to critics of immigrants‘ push-backs: offer something better

Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis believes Lithuania's policy of turning away migrants is not perfect, but a better alternative…

1 year ago
  • Politics

Despite Frontex remarks, Lithuania does not intend to change its pushback policy

The Fundamental Rights Office of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) has recommended that Lithuania abandon its current…

3 years ago
  • Top

Assessing when Lukashenko’s hybrid attack might run out of steam: options for retreat are already being explored

Nearly two months have passed since a state of emergency was imposed on Lithuania's border with Belarus due to an…

3 years ago
  • Latest

A largely hidden aspect of the migrant crisis: what is behind the integration of Muslims in Europe?

With scores of illegal migrants from Asian countries massing at the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, European leaders and…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Laurinkus. Dictator Lukashenko will slam the door before he leaves, whether he shoots himself in the foot or not

Predictions about the direction of the crisis on Poland's border with Belarus are pouring in. All of them are broadly…

3 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lukashenko paving a new migrant route via Moscow and Grodno

As the European Union tries to stem the news flow of migrants from the Middle East through Belarus, the country's…

3 years ago
  • Defence

When migrant crisis would trigger NATO Article 4: possible scenarios

Article 4 of the NATO Treaty. In November, more and more European countries, including Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, are talking…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

The fight against the Lukashenko regime takes an unexpected turn

The strategy to stop illegal migration from Belarus has taken a turn that was unexpected for Lithuanian politicians: outgoing German…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Landsbergis didn’t hear about Merkel’s call from the Presidential Office: thank God, we have other friends

Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis regrets that the ministry learned about the call between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Belarusian authoritarian…

3 years ago
  • Defence

Lukashenko uses Kremlin’s playbook to spread disinformation about the surge of migrants

A hybrid attack organized by the Belarusian state involves not only using migrants as a means of political pressure but…

3 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Pavilionis on Nausėda’s statement: difficult to understand and Polish colleagues are “profoundly surprised”

As tensions on the Belarusian-Polish-Baltic border continue to escalate, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her capacity as a representative…

3 years ago
  • Defence

A. Anušauskas: About 1,000 migrants may be on Lithuania’s border with Belarus

Around 1,000 illegal migrants may be concentrated on Lithuania's border with Belarus, says the Minister of National Defence, writes.…

3 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

An expert explains why Poland was chosen over Lithuania for the migrant storm

The large group of migrants currently being monitored in Belarus, near the Polish border, trying to break into the country…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Migrants lives in Lithuania: calling ambulance for fun, emerging groups

Municipalities, which have had to temporarily shelter migrants are counting the second month of being neighbours now. It wasn’t just…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Malinauskas: we could witness a tectonic shift in politics and society already within two months

Former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis’ former advisor and vlogger Skirmantas Malinauskas shared key insights on his Facebook page on the…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Municipality residents frightened by migrants: some are afraid of visiting the store

Representatives from municipalities say that due to there are currently more questions than answers right now regarding the influx of…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Seimas revises asylum application procedures in response to the influx of irregular migrants

At its extraordinary session, the Seimas adopted, under a special urgency procedure, amendments to the Law on the Legal Status…

3 years ago

Swedbank looking to expand in Lithuania and Latvia

After acquiring retail banking businesses in Lithuania and Latvia from the Danish Danske Bank, the Swedish Swedbank is looking for…

8 years ago
  • Society

Syrian refugee couple in Lithuania granted refugee status

A Syrian couple relocated to Lithuania under the EU's refugee relocation program have been granted refugee status. [...]

8 years ago