Jozef Pilsudski EN

  • Opinion

Why A. Duda passed by Basanavičius‘ grave and what do other signals sent by him mean?

After the Polish President Andrzej Duda's visit to Lithuania, which ended this weekend, talks have begun about warming relations between…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania should look at Pilsudski’s merits, mistakes on anniversary – Landsbergis

Lithuania should openly look at the merits and mistakes of the interwar Polish leader, Juzef Pilsudski, Lithuania's former head of…

7 years ago
  • Uncategorized

History shouldn’t dominate Poland-Lithuania relations – Michnik in Vilnius

History should not dominate the relationship between Poland and Lithuania, Adam Michnik, a former Polish dissident and the editor-in-chief of…

7 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Vilnius reacts with irony to inclusion of Pilsudski heart grave image in Polish passports

The Polish interior minister has decided to include in new Polish passports an image of the grave of Jozef Pilsudski's…

7 years ago