Jūratė Novagrockienė EN

Political scientists on Skvernelis’ move: what was expected and what future is predictedPolitical scientists on Skvernelis’ move: what was expected and what future is predicted
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Political scientists on Skvernelis’ move: what was expected and what future is predicted

The future and political success of the politicians who broke away from the Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) will…

3 years ago
Experts on S. Skvernelis’ candidacy: do not see pre-planning and see risksExperts on S. Skvernelis’ candidacy: do not see pre-planning and see risks
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Experts on S. Skvernelis’ candidacy: do not see pre-planning and see risks

Last week, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis announced his presidential bid. This decision has finalised matters on the political stage. Gitanas…

6 years ago
The final riddle in the presidential candidate ratingsThe final riddle in the presidential candidate ratings
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The final riddle in the presidential candidate ratings

Ingrida Šimonytė's ratings have risen significantly, bringing her to the second place in the presidential candidate ratings. The ratings of…

6 years ago
Karbauskis’ strategic election plan: this could break the entire systemKarbauskis’ strategic election plan: this could break the entire system
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Karbauskis’ strategic election plan: this could break the entire system

With the municipal elections drawing closer, Farmer-Greens leader Ramūnas Karbauskis has proposed to allow civic committees to form electoral coalitions…

6 years ago
Presidential elections: the three main candidates have reasons to stay silentPresidential elections: the three main candidates have reasons to stay silent
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Presidential elections: the three main candidates have reasons to stay silent

With less than a year to go to the presidential elections, individuals, who have yet to declare their intent to…

7 years ago
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Parties: Lilliputians growing, giants declining

The people are drawing away from the so-called establishment political powers, instead minor protest, populist and more radical parties are…

7 years ago
Newest ratings: one candidate’s decision could radically change the situationNewest ratings: one candidate’s decision could radically change the situation
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Newest ratings: one candidate’s decision could radically change the situation

Gitanas Nausėda retains the lead in the top three highest rated presidential candidates, with Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Kaunas…

7 years ago
Potential pitfalls for G. Nausėda in the presidential racePotential pitfalls for G. Nausėda in the presidential race
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Potential pitfalls for G. Nausėda in the presidential race

Economist Gitanas Nausėda who is the current leading candidate in the presidential race is adhering to the same lines as…

7 years ago
Presidential election forecast – new favourite risingPresidential election forecast – new favourite rising
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Presidential election forecast – new favourite rising

December data from Spinter Tyrimai over potential candidates to the post of president presented a surprise – economist Gitanas Nausėda…

7 years ago
Two candidates forging ahead in the race for Grybauskaitė‘s postTwo candidates forging ahead in the race for Grybauskaitė‘s post
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Two candidates forging ahead in the race for Grybauskaitė‘s post

Voters looking around for Dalia Grybauskaitė's successor in the post of president so far sympathise with candidates who are similar…

7 years ago
Uncertain news about presidential elections for PM SkvernelisUncertain news about presidential elections for PM Skvernelis
  • Opinion

Uncertain news about presidential elections for PM Skvernelis

Current surveys on the presidential elections will likely have little to do with the final results, sociologists Rasa Ališauskienė and…

7 years ago
Farmers reports Lithuania’s fastest growth, Labor Party loses most membersFarmers reports Lithuania’s fastest growth, Labor Party loses most members
  • Politics

Farmers reports Lithuania’s fastest growth, Labor Party loses most members

Lithuania's political parties lost 6,386 members since last October, although tendencies over the past few years were opposite, with party…

7 years ago