Kristupas Krivickas EN

Plans leak on how the Conservatives could defeat the “Farmers”: what is to be done in public and what in secretPlans leak on how the Conservatives could defeat the “Farmers”: what is to be done in public and what in secret
  • Opinion

Plans leak on how the Conservatives could defeat the “Farmers”: what is to be done in public and what in secret

The Conservatives have been offered to use Antanas Guoga as a black horse in the elections, establish links to Naglis…

7 years ago
Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė elected to head Lithuania’s national broadcaster LRTGarbačiauskaitė-Budrienė elected to head Lithuania’s national broadcaster LRT
  • Society

Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė elected to head Lithuania’s national broadcaster LRT

The council of the Lithuanian national radio and television LRT on Tuesday elected Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė, former editor-in-chief of news…

7 years ago
  • Society

12 apply for head of Lithuania’s national broadcaster LRT

Among applicants for director general of the Lithuanian national radio and television (LRT) are Audrius Siaurusevičius who headed the LRT…

7 years ago
Virginijus Valentinavičius. LRT, camouflage rhetoric and the rough truthVirginijus Valentinavičius. LRT, camouflage rhetoric and the rough truth
  • Opinion

Virginijus Valentinavičius. LRT, camouflage rhetoric and the rough truth

There wouldn't even have been a discussion over the LRT's finances if the LRT had voluntarily handed over all the…

7 years ago
Liberals, Order and Justice party wouldn’t win Seimas mandatesLiberals, Order and Justice party wouldn’t win Seimas mandates
  • Politics

Liberals, Order and Justice party wouldn’t win Seimas mandates

The political corruption scandal has undermined voter confidence in the Liberal Movement, while the trust in the ruling Labour Party…

9 years ago
ELECTIONS 2016: Anti-corruption coalition riding the protest voteELECTIONS 2016: Anti-corruption coalition riding the protest vote

ELECTIONS 2016: Anti-corruption coalition riding the protest vote

The Anti-Corruption Coalition of Kristupas Krivickas and Naglis Puteikis is accumulating the protest vote in a corruption scandal ridden year.…

9 years ago
ELECTIONS 2016: New opinion poll shows reshuffling at the bottom of the parties’ listELECTIONS 2016: New opinion poll shows reshuffling at the bottom of the parties’ list

ELECTIONS 2016: New opinion poll shows reshuffling at the bottom of the parties’ list

With the corruption scandal revolving around former party chairman Eligijus Masiulis continuing to batter the Liberal Movement (LS), its chances…

9 years ago