Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union

  • Politics

Seimas appoints committees

Lithuania's new Seimas formed on Wednesday parliamentary committees, with the Committee on European Affairs remaining the largest one and the…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian MPs form 6 political groups

Lithuania's new Seimas will have six political groups and a mixed group of parliamentarians who have not joined any of…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Conservatives say won’t join Peasants, SocDems in coalition talks

The Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats will not hold coalition talks with the Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union (LPGU) while they…

8 years ago
  • Politics

President invites leaders of parties triumphant in Seimas elections

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė said she was inviting leaders of the parliamentary parties that won the Sunday's parliamentary elections for…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Antanas Guoga on the future of Lithuanian politics

Former acting Chairman for the Liberal Movement Antanas Guoga has shared his predictions on the possible outcomes of the imminent…

8 years ago
  • Society

Peasants and Greens name Skvernelis shadow PM, unveil 9 more shadow ministers

The Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union, or LŽVS, said on Wednesday that Saulius Skvernelis, a former interior minister, will be…

8 years ago
  • Politics

SocDems, Peasant Union, Conservatives top popularity polls

Lithuania's Social Democrats, the Peasant and Green Union, and Conservatives top the country's popularity polls, shows he latest survey conducted…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Profile of MP candidate in Lithuania – 48-yr-old with university degree

A 48.9-year-old Lithuanian man with a university degree who has declared 165,927 euros worth of property and has run for…

8 years ago
  • Politics

New poll shows major shifts in Lithuanian political parties support

A new poll has revealed surprising shifts in Lithuania's political landscape with government parties' support slumping. [...]

8 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian electoral commission distributes year’s first party subsidies

The Lithuanian Central Electoral Commission distributed the year's first subsidies – a total of €2.7 million – to nine parties.…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Interior minister says he will only resign if prime minister asks

Lithuania's Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius says the decision on Interior Minister Saulius Skvernelis and whether or not he will remain…

8 years ago