Media freedom

  • Politics

Lithuanian president’s adviser: Information freedom standards cannot apply to disinformation

The Lithuanian parliament recently decided to vote down amendments proposed by the president aimed at cracking down on hostile propaganda.…

10 years ago
  • Society

Russia’s information war in Lithuania growing in intensity

It is hard to find anyone in Lithuania who does not believe that Russia's propaganda campaigns in the Baltic EU…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: To give in without a struggle?

Political scientist Kęstutis Girnius waves away the phantom of the information war and tries to convince us that "Russian misinformation…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: Information war – no need for mobilization yet

The heralds of information wars are disconcerted, identify ever more battlefields, call on proper mobilisation. The latest example is the…

10 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuania edges down in Freedom House democracy index

Lithuania has dropped in Freedom House's democracy index due to the country's law enforcement's actions against BNS news agency. But…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Journalist says Estonia’s Russian-language media fairly unbiased on Ukraine coverage

Estonia's Russian-language media provides diverse coverage of the Ukraine events, while Estonian journalists can be faulted "in a good way"…

10 years ago
  • Politics

President Grybauskaitė signs into law provisions expanding media freedom

President Dalia Grybauskaitė signed amendments to the Law on Provision of Information to the Public and amendments to the Code…

10 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian court finds tapping reporters’ conversations unlawful

A Vilnius court ruled on Thursday that wiretapping of telephone conversations of BNS journalists was unlawful. [...]

10 years ago
  • Politics

Seimas passes law giving media greater protection from law enforcement

On Thursday, the Lithuanian Parliament adopted amendments to the Law on Provision of Information to the Public and the Code…

10 years ago