Putin EN

  • Central/Eastern Europe

Juknevičienė. About Russia, which doesn’t care about Putin

I have been trying to say for a long time that the war against Ukraine is also a war for…

1 year ago
  • Defence

“Warsaw will melt, and Vilnius will sink”: threats and Putin’s intentions

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that constructing a nuclear weapons storage facility on Belarusian territory will be completed by…

1 year ago
  • Latest

Will Putin and Lukashenko get an international arrest warrant for persecuting the Russian and Belarusian opposition?

In recent days, international justice has gathered momentum and made itself known. Last Thursday (16 March), the International Criminal Court…

1 year ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Smart Russian officers will decide the fate of Russia?

The 2022 year came to an end. A year that will be marked in the history of the world with…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Laurinkus. What is Putin’s opinion on Russia’s external intelligence?

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) announced incredibly quickly, three days later, that the organiser of the 8 October explosion…

2 years ago
  • European Union

Juknevičienė: “It would be much worse if the infection of Putinisation were to take over a large part of Europe”

Presenting her group's priorities in the field of foreign affairs and security to her colleagues in Crete on Wednesday, European…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

A diplomat who sees no soul in Putin: he is a very vulnerable man

"I was interviewed by journalists a couple of months ago, and they counted that of the politicians alive and active…

2 years ago
  • Latest

Assessing Lukashenko’s strategy: a plan to retire him instead of the gallows

While Belarusian dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenko threatens that the Baltic states will lose their statehood if the escalating tensions between the…

3 years ago
  • Opinion

Laurinkus. The decisions on Belarus are important and support for Navalny is a risky exam for Lithuania

Good news for Lithuanian foreign policy – President G. Nausėda seeks for a Belarus strategy to be created. We have…

4 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

A. Kubilius: a Foreign Policy lesson from Moscow

During a recent visit of Mr Borrell to Moscow, Putin gave the EU diplomacy an important lesson, which we appreciate.…

4 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Laurinkus. Poorly thought out steps could accelerate Belarus’ descent into Russia’s grasp

Secretly, Alexander Lukashenko’s inauguration became the reference point for the next events in Belarus. The opposition was unable to find…

4 years ago
  • European Union

Kubilius. 3 Belarussian factors and Macron’s visit to Lithuania

It is nearing two months now that people’s mass protests continue in Belarus without halting or weakening against the regime…

4 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Kubilius. When will a “Belarusian” democratic revolution take place in Russia?

Regional elections were held in parts of Russia on Sunday (September 13). All of Russia has found itself between Khabarovsk…

4 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

It is worth knowing better the country we view as threatening

Lithuanian news media was left surprised with V. Putin’s ratings in a sociological survey being almost equal to D. Trump’s.…

4 years ago
  • History

Putin’s parallel world and the return of Stalin

Right before Christmas, some interesting and strange things have surfaced in news reports. Not everyone has been following what was…

5 years ago
  • History

Polish PM Morawiecki: President Putin has lied again

The 20th century brought the world inconceivable suffering and the deaths of hundreds of millions in the name of twisted,…

5 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lilia Shevtsova: Russians are weary of living in the Besieged Castle

The Lithuania Tribune team spoke to Lilia Shevtsova at the Riga Conference on October 12. We talked about US-Russian relations…

5 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

We know how to growl at Belarus, but not talk to it

Following a decade of no foreign policy-related disputes, currently, we are increasingly hearing unexpected things. The Homeland Union – Lithuanian…

5 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania should take note of changes in Washington’s policy toward Minsk

During a visit to Minsk, US Deputy Secretary of State D. Hale announced that after a break of 11 years,…

5 years ago
  • Opinion

On Belarus and its sovereignty

Is Belarus truly weak in its relations with Moscow? The unfortunate, who needs saving? This s how we often imagine…

5 years ago