Ramūnas Vilpisauškas EN

  • Energy

R. Vilpišauskas. The problem of EU’s energy dependence on Russia

The new security crisis in Europe caused by Russia has drawn attention to the possible consequences of its escalation for…

3 years ago
  • Latest

Political scientists on Skvernelis’ move: what was expected and what future is predicted

The future and political success of the politicians who broke away from the Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) will…

3 years ago
  • Opinion

Ramūnas Vilpišauskas. Will stricter Western sanctions push Belarus toward Russia?

With the EU considering another sanctions package against Belarusian officials and organisations, the concern is rising that they could further…

3 years ago
  • Economy

Crisis management: aim high, act fast and keep the lights on

A few weeks ago, some of the participants at the new cabinet’s meeting must have been overtaken by a sense…

4 years ago
  • Politics

Key challenges to Nausėda presidency: politicians may prove disruptive

President-Elect has taken to work from his very first days, what are the key challenges to Nausėda presidency? Offices have…

5 years ago
  • Politics

Nausėda couldn’t risk losing to Šimonytė in Lithuanian conservatives’ primaries – analyst

Economist Gitanas Nausėda withdrew from the race for the nomination as the Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats' presidential candidate because he…

6 years ago
  • Economy

Baltics to get more of US attention due to Blackstone investment – experts

The decision by a consortium led by private equity funds managed by Blackstone to invest 1 billion euros into Luminor,…

6 years ago
  • Politics

No Lithuanian reps on MEP’s Top-100 list – media

Lithuanian MEPs are among the least-working in the European Parliament, the national television LRT's program Panorama reports, citing a website…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Astravyets NPP stress testing: is it time for the government to consider iodine pills?

The Belarussian Nuclear Power Plant (Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant) stress testing result evaluation from European Union investigators announced this week…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Trump used summit with Baltic leaders for domestic politics – Lithuanian reviewers

United States President Donald Trump used the visit of the three Baltic presidents for domestic politics, however, Lithuania, Latvia and…

6 years ago
  • European Union

Guy Verhofstadt Brings his EU reform ideas to Vilnius

A large enthusiast and captivated audience came out on a very cold Saturday afternoon to hear former Belgian Prime Minister…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Two-thirds of Lithuanians don’t trust US President Trump – poll

Two-thirds of Lithuanians have no confidence in US President Donald Trump, an opinion poll showed on Thursday. [...]

7 years ago
  • Opinion

European neighbours won’t be shovelled easy promises

The fifth European Union Eastern Partnership Summit will be held on Friday. While in recent years there have been breakthroughs…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

In pursuit of Eastern European leadership – political experts are sceptical

This week Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius said that unfortunately Molotov still lives and is looking for his Ribbentrop.…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Saakashvili’s words about Belarus annexation ungrounded – Lithuanian political scientists

The warnings made by Georgia's former president Mikheil Saakashvili during a visit in Lithuania on Tuesday about Russia's readiness to…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Linkevičius on Trump and Putin’s meeting – we should avoid rushed conclusions

"Emotionally both sides had the aim to show that relations can be constructive, that there is room for cooperation. Russia…

7 years ago
  • Economy
  • Global LT

Experts see inequalities, increasing prices as possible reasons for emigration from Lithuania

An increase in Lithuania's official emigration rate in the first half of 2017 could be due to living standard inequalities…

7 years ago
  • European Union

Macron victory will ease Lithuania’s concerns over France’s stance on Russia

The victory by centrist Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential elections will mitigate the concerns in Lithuania over the Paris…

7 years ago
  • European Union

Dutch election shows Europe can withstand far-right populism – analysts

Moderate political parties' success in the Dutch parliamentary election shows that Europe may be able to withstand rising far-right populism,…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

EU after Brexit – what dangers lurk

Having outlined five scenarios of the British withdrawal from the EU, Europe will likely be unable to move toward change…

7 years ago