refugee crisis

  • Defence

Lithuanian border guards prepare for potential flow of refugees through Russia

As the European Union blocks the flow of illegal immigrants from Libya to Italy and negotiates similar agreements in Turkey…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Schengen zone hanging by a thread, Grybauskaitė warns

Failure to protect the EU's external borders poses an existential threat to its Schengen free travel area, according to Lithuanian…

9 years ago
  • European Union

‘Asylum seekers cannot dictate their terms to EU’ Grybauskaitė says before EU-Turkey summit

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė is leaving for Brussels on Monday for a special European Council meeting to discuss measures to…

9 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Second refugee family to be relocated to Lithuania

Another refugee family maybe relocated to Lithuania shortly under the European Union's (EU) agreement, says Lithuania's Interior Vice-Minister Elvinas Jankevičius.…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Migrants told “do not come to Europe” – EU Council president

European Council President Donald Tusk has said economic migrants will not be welcome in Europe, making an appeal not to…

9 years ago
  • Society

Refugee support rally in Vilnius says racism fuels anti-migrant sentiment in Lithuania

A rally organized in Vilnius this Saturday called for solidarity with refugees from war-stricken zones in the Middle East, while…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Refugees must be helped closer to home, not allowed into Europe – Grybauskaitė

The European Union should support refugee camps closer to migrants' home countries, rather than "passively take in as many as…

9 years ago
  • Society

Rally supporting refugees to be held in Vilnius on Saturday

Safe Passage NOW, a campaign of solidarity with refugees, will hold a rally in Vilnius on Saturday afternoon. [...]

9 years ago

Lithuanian truckers hit by losses from illegal migrants

Lithuanian carriers are being hit by significant losses caused by migrants trying to get to the UK on trucks illegally,…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian Red Cross starts collecting funds for refugees in country

The Lithuanian Red Cross has begun fundraising to support refugees living in Lithuania following government decisions to reduce both the…

9 years ago

Why are radical parties failing to attract support in Lithuania?

Radical parties on the left and the right of the political spectrum are rising in popularity across the EU with…

9 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion:Political Correctness – a road to hell paved with good intentions

A year ago, when Islamist radicals shot and killed eight members of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial office, Europe bravely stood up…

9 years ago
  • European Union

EU’s refugee relocation from Greece ‘disappointing’, says ambassador

The European Union's response to Greece's requests for refugee relocation has been disappointing so far, Greek Ambassador to Lithuania Iraklis…

9 years ago
  • Society

Illegal immigration now a top issue for Lithuanians

The number of Lithuanians concerned about illegal migration has rocketed in the last year, with 19% of Lithuanians choosing illegal…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Germany’s change of heart on refugees will affect all Europe, Lithuanian analyst says

Germany is having second thoughts about welcoming refugees and this will have effects throughout Europe, says Lithuanian political scientist Kęstutis…

9 years ago

Refugees yet to discover route into EU via Lithuania, says border guard service

Lithuanian border guards have already detained a range of illegal immigrants from Syria and Lebanon but the path into the…

9 years ago

Lithuania blames slow refugee resettlement on Greece, Italy

Refugee resettlement to Lithuania is taking more time than anticipated because Greece and Italy are too slow in processing refugees,…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Refugee resettlement in Lithuania and EU ‘is failing’

Lithuania and the European Union is likely to fail to implement the refugee resettlement plan, says Government Vice-Chancellor Rimantas Vaitkus.…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Group to collect signatures against refugee resettlement in Lithuania

A group wants to collect 50,000 signatures under a petition which would force parliament to reconsider refugee resettlement in Lithuania.…

9 years ago

New team of Lithuanian officers to help Slovenia with refugee influx

Ten police officers from Vilnius and Marijampolė district Police Headquarters‘ mobile companies have travelled to Slovenia to help with the…

9 years ago