Russia EN

  • Central/Eastern Europe

10 points for an answer to Putin threats

As V. Putin continues with his threats, blackmail or trolling of Ukraine and the West, there is an urgent need…

3 years ago
  • Opinion

Laurinkus. The decisions on Belarus are important and support for Navalny is a risky exam for Lithuania

Good news for Lithuanian foreign policy – President G. Nausėda seeks for a Belarus strategy to be created. We have…

4 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lilia Shevtsova: Russians are weary of living in the Besieged Castle

The Lithuania Tribune team spoke to Lilia Shevtsova at the Riga Conference on October 12. We talked about US-Russian relations…

5 years ago
  • Lithuania

Is there a need to worry about national identity?

One of the most complicated problems that President Gitanas Nausėda is going to face is nationalism.  It is awakening in…

5 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Grybauskaitė‘s foreign policy: will Nausėda wade into the old river?

President D. Grybauskaitė‘s foreign policy toward the east, first and foremost toward Russia and Belarus, was controversial and hypocritical. How…

5 years ago
  • Opinion

Liberal democracy is closing down – time has come for Lithuania’s Putinisation

“Foreign politicians accuse Russia of meddling in elections and referendums around the world. In reality, everything is more serious. Russia…

6 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

Lithuanian MEPs to challenge Kremlin in the name of Eastern Partnership

Can the EU strengthen its relationships with its Eastern Partnership countries and encourage them to drift toward the West if…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Ušackas doesn’t see Russia as direct military threat to Baltic countries

Vygaudas Ušackas, a former EU ambassador to Moscow, says he does not think Russia poses a direct military threat to…

6 years ago
  • Defence

Legal measures against Yandex.Taxi are being looked for, Lithuanian PM says

Specific and motivated legal solutions against ride-sharing company Yandex.Taxi are being looked for, but that's not a strategic company which…

6 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuania’s SSD advises against using Yandex.Taxi app

Lithuania's State Security Department recommends people who might be of interest to Russian special services not to use the Yandex.Taxi…

6 years ago
  • Economy

Vilnius mayor turns to competition watchdog over Yandex.Taxi

Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius has turned to Lithuanian's Competition Council, asking for an investigation into whether Yandex.Taxi advertising does not…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Upcoming presidential election in Russia and Putin 4.0 System

The Russian presidential election will take place in a month, but the winner is already clear. The only candidate capable…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Lithuania’s pivotal role in the struggle for democracy

What an extraordinary thing Lithuania is doing – the initiation of a process of national awakening and democratic renewal at…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Seimas one ballot short of passing Magnitsky Act

Lithuania's parliament has merely one ballot left until adoption of the so-called Magnitsky Act, which would ban entry to foreigners…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

The Baltic states in Russian military strategy

Today, it is generally accepted inside NATO that the events of 2014 marked Russia's turn towards an avowedly revisionist course,…

7 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuania get Russian general’s vague calls to free border guard

Lithuanian authorities who have detained a drunk Russian border guards have received conflicting calls from Russia to free the young…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Vilnius reproached for not inviting Russia to global constitutional justice congress

Lithuania has been reproached for not inviting representatives of the Russian Constitutional Court to a global constitutional justice congress that…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania’s president supports new US sanctions for Russia at Tallinn meeting with Pence

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė on Monday restated support to the new sanctions taken by the United States against Russia. [...]

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Kremlin’s tethers? Attempts to uncover what game anti-fracking “green” protesters are playing

Several US congressmen have initiated an investigation which aims to investigate the potential influence of Russia on "green" movements which…

7 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuania closely watching Russia-China military maneuvers in Baltic Sea

Lithuania's defense officials say they are keeping a close eye on the joint Russian-Chinese military exercise gaining momentum in the…

7 years ago