Russian TV

  • Central/Eastern Europe

The Russian Liberal Bias

Do not expect grassroots change to happen in Russia. A popular phrase spoken only half-jokingly by the residents of Moscow…

2 years ago
  • Latest

A countermeasure for one of Lithuania’s regions against Russian propaganda evaluated

After noting the slower pace of vaccination in East and South-East Lithuania, talks resurfaced of establishing a special TV broadcaster…

3 years ago
  • Politics

Court orders closure of portal broadasting Russian TV content

A Lithuanian court has instructed Baltijas Mediju Aliance (BMA), a company registered in Latvia, to discontinue unlawful broadcasts of Russian…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Conservatives bent on restraining Russian content in television

Analysis has shown that Lithuanian television broadcasts a large amount of Russia content. In some televisions more than a third…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian watchdog to ask for explanation from Russia’s TVC over hatred-inciting content

Lithuania's media watchdog will ask for explanation from Russia-registered broadcaster TV Tsentr over a TV program containing incitement to hatred…

8 years ago
  • Defence

Lithuania halts broadcasting of Russian TV channel for 3 months

Lithuania's media watchdog decided on Wednesday to suspend the broadcasting of the Russian TV channel RTR Planeta for three months…

8 years ago
  • Society

What world leader did a grandmother in Klaipėda receive a letter from?

A grandmother from Klaipėda, Lithuania has received an unexpected letter from a world leader congratulating her on the end of…

8 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Russian journalists who crashed opposition forum expelled from Lithuania

Journalists of the Russian TV channel Rossiya who tried to get into a Russian opposition forum in Lithuania have been…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian politician sparks controversy by meeting Russian TV channel head

The leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) MEP Valdemar Tomaševski says there is nothing sensational about…

9 years ago
  • Society

UK media watchdog rules that Russian channel in Lithuania gave biased coverage of Ukraine

The NTV Mir Lithuania, a Russian-language TV channel that had its broadcasts suspended in Lithuania, gave a biased coverage of…

9 years ago
  • Society

Brussels backs Lithuania over Russian TV channel ban

The European Commission has acknowledged that the measures Lithuania took against Russian-language TV channel RTR Planeta were well-founded as its…

9 years ago
  • Society

Broadcast ban on Russian channel expires

The three-month ban to rebroadcast the Russian-language TV channel RTR Planeta in Lithuania has expired. [...]

9 years ago
  • Society

Media watchdog will not impose sanctions on NTV Mir Lithuania

The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania has not established any gross violations by the Russian-language TV channel NTV Mir…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanian TV watchdog to look into Russian-language channel’s programing

The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania plans to evaluate actions of the Russian-language TV channel NTV Mir Lithuania, the…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Fighting propaganda with bans is not the best way, Lithuanian foreign minister says

Commenting on recent reports that the rebroadcasting of one more Russian TV channel could be suspended in Lithuania, Lithuanian Foreign…

9 years ago
  • Society

Media watchdog might ban one more Russian TV channel from Lithuanian airwaves

The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania, which recently suspended broadcasts of a Russian TV channel, says it has sufficient…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Russian Duma member threatens to “redeem Vilnius and Klaipėda”

The European Union's Ambassador to Russia Vygaudas Ušackas has called for an official Russian position on the public threats made…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian parliament backs president’s anti-propaganda bill

The Seimas of Lithuania on Thursday backed amendments, drafted by President Dalia Grybauskaitė, on countering hostile propaganda, after 79 lawmakers…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian Seimas committee okays president’s bill on propaganda

The Lithuanian parliament's Education and Science Committee on Wednesday gave a green light to the amendments initiated by President Dalia…

9 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: How not to cede hearts and minds of Lithuanian citizens to Putin

Lithuania is very likely to be the only European Union country to completely boycott the end of World War Two…

9 years ago