Russian world


Russia – heir to the Asian slavery tradition: or why are they different?

Historians agree that Russia is a different country, a civilisation that does not belong to and is not understood by…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

We are not just fighting for Ukraine, or why Russia has nothing to offer us

Today, when the war is in its third month and the entire Ukrainian nation has rallied to defend its homeland,…

2 years ago
  • Central/Eastern Europe

The Russian Liberal Bias

Do not expect grassroots change to happen in Russia. A popular phrase spoken only half-jokingly by the residents of Moscow…

2 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Strange bedfellows: Latvian nationalists and ethnic Russians both want to block entrance of more Russians

It has often been remarked that politics can make strange bedfellows, bringing together groups that one could not imagine agreeing…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Russia wouldn’t open ‘third front’ in Baltics, says Russian journalist

Alexei Venediktov, the editor-in-chief of Echo Moskvy, spoke to Delfi about the threat of escalation in the tensions between Russia…

9 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Piontkovsky in Vilnius: Crimea annexation laid “philosophical” grounds for any invasion

During the annexation of Crimea, Russia's President Vladimir Putin laid “philosophical foundation” for invasion of any country with a Russian-speaking…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Putin backs down and… wins?

Russian forces are withdrawing from the Ukrainian border. Pro-Russian separatists are putting down their arms. There are reports about Russia…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: What Kremlin gained and lost in Ukraine

As Russia's intervention in Ukraine seems to be entering a lower-intensity stage and reports are coming in about ceasefire agreements,…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Putin’s former aid: Russia has been preparing for global war since 2003

People in the Baltic states cannot feel secure. Russian President Vladimir Putin has a plan he has been working on…

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Russia expanding soft power, Estonian official says

Head of Estonia's Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson said that Russia's soft power policies were increasingly purposeful. [...]

10 years ago
  • Uncategorized

How Russia pits Baltic states against one another

Even before it had finished "defending" the rights of Russian compatriots in Ukraine, Moscow spoke about oppression of Russian-speakers in…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Opinion: Ukraine’s success threatens Russian idea of exclusivity

While Ukraine is spreading joyful news about liberating settlements during new anti-terrorist operations, the Russian plan to turn this country…

10 years ago
  • Opinion

Shall we live in a Eurasian empire of woman haters?

Vladimir Putin, Russian politicians and some intellectuals keep talking about the “Russian world” and readiness of the country’s armed forces…

10 years ago