Seimas elections 2020

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Bruveris. The Conservatives go down the “Farmer” path?

The Conservatives are like the “Farmers” and the new Seimas is akin to the old, just symmetrically flipped from left…

4 years ago
  • Global LT

Seimas election: historic victory for women’s leadership and unprecedented diaspora engagement

The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania announced the final results of the Parliament elections. The central-right party, Homeland Union -…

4 years ago
  • Latest

Parliament election 2020: 3 centre-right parties to form a coalition Government

Lithuania had decided who is going to rule it for another four years. The results of Sunday's parliament election 2020…

4 years ago
  • Latest

With “Farmers” lagging behind Conservatives, Karbauskis speaks about his political future

With the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) taking a clear lead in the first round of the Seimas…

4 years ago
  • Lithuania

Lithuanian Parliament elections: the first round is over, the second round to go

The first round of Lithuanian Parliament elections has ended.  All of the votes had been counted.  One thing is clear…

4 years ago
  • Opinion

The Façade Democracy in Lithuania: Elections Exclusive to those already in Parliament

Lithuanian politicians have been devotedly active in their fight for democracy in neighboring countries, and yet are more than willing…

4 years ago
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Toward the elections with popular figureheads: pointing out an emerging crisis

The party leader is not the person to lead it into the elections. Not only the election favourites, the “Farmers”…

4 years ago
  • Politics

Unfulfilled electoral promises of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania: turning away from the ethnic minorities

The defenders of ethnic minorities in Seimas – the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Union (LLRA-KŠS)…

4 years ago
  • Latest

Tomaszewski reticent about elections: speaks of versions of who seeks to unseat Narkiewicz

Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles – Christian Families Union (LLRA-KŠS) chairman, MEP Waldemar Tomaszewski says that the party is already…

4 years ago
  • Latest

Astravyets on an electoral platter: why are the Conservatives so aggressive and the “Farmers” so silent?

The approaching Seimas elections and launch date of the Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant have linked these seemingly unrelated events. The opposition Conservatives…

4 years ago
  • Politics

Are we going to vote in the Parliamentary elections as in the 21c?

Democratic elections usually fulfil two conditions. They have to be free and fair. The upcoming parliamentary elections are going to…

4 years ago
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Paluckas admits having received requests from “Farmers”

Social Democrat Party leader Gintautas Paluckas admitted to the news portal that he received a number of requests from…

4 years ago
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Uspaskich’s return – already clear, who would lose the most

The Labour Party is rising like a phoenix from the ashes. At least this opinion can be formed when looking…

4 years ago
  • Politics

Nausėda‘s conversations with party leaders – the president, seeks allies

There’s still a good eight months to the Seimas elections; however, preparations are ongoing for them not only among the…

4 years ago
  • Latest

Are the “Farmers” better or worse off with S. Skvernelis?

Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) leader Ramūnas Karbauskis would like to see Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis in the electoral…

5 years ago
  • Politics

Everyone still has wings before the battle

The Social Democrats or the Labour Party, perhaps even both together – such is the cruelly ironic choice, whom to…

5 years ago
  • Lithuania

Unsolved for decades, the question of surname spelling is stuck in Seimas

The decades-long debate over the spelling of names and surnames in identification documents in Latin letters seems to have no…

5 years ago
  • Latest

Which populists will make use of the door accidentally opened by Nausėda?

Every Seimas elections bring new, non-traditional political parties into public view. And while some of these political movements often are…

5 years ago
  • Politics

Laurinkus. The lowered bar will force the large parties into moving

If actions would be made consistently, President G. Nausėda should veto the Seimas’ decision to lower the electoral bar for…

5 years ago
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Paluckas cautioned by party on behind the scenes talks with Skvernelis

The Social Democrat party has warned its leader Gintautas Paluckas – attempts to lure over Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, who…

5 years ago