Soviet Union

  • Opinion

Do the Lithuanian Communist Party’s historical actions make it a criminal organization?

This month, the Lithuanian parliament rejected a conservative resolution, calling for the declaration of the Lithuanian Communist Party (LCP) a…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

More than third of Russians believe Baltics voluntarily joined Soviet Union

A survey by the Levada Center, an analytical centre based in Moscow, has shown that 34% of Russians still believe…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Great power games: Do ordinary Russians really want war?

Does the international perception of Russia as an expansionist and warmongering country sit well with the mood of Russia's population?…

8 years ago
  • Society

Memorialising Lithuanian deportees who perished in Siberia

Tens of thousands of Lithuanians were deported by Stalin to Siberia during and after World War Two. Villages in the…

8 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Baltics, Poland, Ukraine condemn 1941 Soviet deportations

The ministers of justice of the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine have condemned the 1941 deportations, as Lithuania on Tuesday…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

From Dostoyevskian underground into TV: Russia’s new propagandists

The new propagandists who dominated the Russian media were formed by the experience of the trauma of the 1990s and…

8 years ago
  • Defence
  • Opinion

Is Sweden and Finland joining NATO inevitable?

A recent study commissioned by Finland has outlined the pros and cons of the country joining NATO. [...]

8 years ago

Kaliningrad or Karaliaučius: A land fought over for centuries

Five years ago, I wrote about the first time I saw the lands of Kaliningrad, known as the Karaliaučius region…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

How cauliflower-gate made Lithuanians rediscover their local corner shops

Lithuanian economists and business groups have noticed a trend among shoppers: Lithuanians are beginning to turn their backs on large…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Russia repays Soviet Union’s debt to Kuwait

The Russian government has paid out USD 1.72 billion to Kuwait that was owed by the former Soviet Union. [...]

8 years ago
  • Society

May 9 celebrations used as justification for Putin’s current policies – propaganda expert

Mantas Martišius, a Lithuanian expert on information warfare and propaganda, said that celebrating 9 May carries a special significance for…

8 years ago
  • Society

End of WWII anniversary marked at Antakalnio Cemetery in Vilnius

Several thousand people gathered in the Antakalnio Cemetery in Vilnius on Monday to mark the end of World War Two.…

8 years ago
  • Society

Vilnius police take down Soviet flags on Russia’s Victory Day

Vilnius police were alerted twice on Monday about public displays of Soviet Union symbols, which is a crime in Lithuania.…

8 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania won’t send representatives to May 9 military parade in Moscow

No diplomatic representative from Lithuania will attend this year's May 9 Victory Day military parade in Moscow, Foreign Minister Linas…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Latvia celebrates 26th independence anniversary

Latvia is celebrating the 26th anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union on Wednesday. [...]

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Asia’s rise, Russia, and the future of the global order

This week, Kevin Rudd, president of the Asia Society Policy Institute and former Australian prime minister, will be visiting Moscow.…

8 years ago
  • Defence

Cuban missile crisis-style stand-off in Baltic States a real possibility – former US Defense Secretary

Former US secretary of Defence William Perry has said that Russia and the US blundering into a Cuban missile crisis…

8 years ago
  • Society

Lithuania’s Chernobyl veterans not getting care they need 30 years on from the disaster

An explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on April 26, 1986, in the northern part of what was then…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

Was Gagarin’s flight really the climax of US-Soviet space race?

This week 55 years ago, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to journey into outer space. A landmark in the…

8 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Nina Khrushcheva: Putin is a brilliant tactician, but a losing strategist

Each Russian leader picks a subject he is an expert in and Vladimir Putin's subject is history. "That is why…

8 years ago