
  • Economy

Over half of Lithuanians stashing large amounts of money at home

Many Lithuanians are still keeping large amounts of money at home rather than lodging it in a bank, according to…

9 years ago
  • Opinion
  • Politics

Will high approval ratings for social democrats translate into election gains?

As the general elections approach, Lithuania's political parties have become acutely aware of fluctuations in their popularity ratings. The social…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanians among ‘most politically inactive in Europe’

Lithuanians are among the least politically active citizens in Europe, according to new research. [...]

9 years ago
  • Economy

Only one third of Lithuanian companies taking opportunities to expand

Only about a third of the country's entrepreneurs take active steps to achieve tangible results in looking for new business…

9 years ago
  • Economy

More Lithuanians optimistic about country’s economy

In the opinion of a seventh of the polled residents of Lithuania, the economic situation in the country has improved…

9 years ago
  • European Union

Lithuanians among most optimistic about EU future

The latest Eurobarometer survey has shown that an overall majority of Lithuanians (92 percent) have a positive opinion about the…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Most Lithuanians trust banks, but not instant credit companies

Two thirds of Lithuanians trust insurance companies and the same number of people is suspicious of instant credit companies. [...]

9 years ago
  • Society

Less scepticism about situation in Lithuania

Four percent fewer people think the situation in Lithuania is bad, compared to survey results from last year, although scepticism…

9 years ago
  • Economy

US companies say Lithuania’s migration system slowing down investment

The survey of members of the American Chamber of Commerce has shown that 58.4 percent of the respondents from major…

9 years ago
  • Society

1 in 3 Lithuanians willing to help refugee resettlement, survey shows

One in three Lithuanians are willing to personally contribute to the resettlement of refugees, according to a survey carried out…

9 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuania’s incumbent MP most popular candidate to continue in the post

With a full year still remaining until the next Lithuanian parliamentary elections, incumbent Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius retains high approving…

9 years ago
  • Society

Lithuanians trust police and army more, banks less

Public trust in the police and army in Lithuania is growing, but the number of people who trust banks is…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Workers in Lithuania mostly motivated by salary and bonuses, survey shows

Salary and various bonuses are the key motivating factors for workers in Lithuania, a survey has revealed. They care less…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Most Lithuanians save in cash, accounts or bank deposits

The best part of households accumulated financial assets as cash, in an account or by holding deposits with banks and…

9 years ago
  • Society

Most Lithuanians oppose abortion ban

Nearly 60 percent of Lithuanians would object to a law banning abortions, shows a survey commissioned by DELFI. [...]

9 years ago
  • Society

Trust in Lithuania’s law enforcement at 15-year high

People's trust in law enforcement, including the police, prosecutors and courts, in Lithuania is now the highest in 15 years,…

9 years ago
  • Society

More than half Lithuanians support reintroduction of conscription

More than half of respondents in Lithuania support the reintroduction of the conscription system, with the majority willing to send…

9 years ago
  • Society

More than half of married women in Lithuania feel financially insecure

Fifty-five percent of women in Lithuania who are married or have a partner feel financially insecure. The main factor of…

9 years ago
  • Economy

Most Lithuanian companies think geopolitical tensions will not affect business

The first results of the Survey of Lithuania's Non-financial Enterprises show that most entrepreneurs believe the events in Ukraine will…

9 years ago
  • Economy

1 in 10 Lithuanians feel positive financial changes, survey shows

One in ten respondents in Lithuania reported that the economic situation of their household and the country as a whole…

9 years ago