Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis EN

  • Opinion

Lithuanian favourites surfacing: “Farmers” may have a plan B

Saulius Skvernelis is increasingly viewed as suitable for the post of prime minister, but in presidential candidate ratings, he is…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Nausėda, Matijošaitis, Skvernelis top poll on possible presidential candidates – media

Economist Gitanas Nausėda, Kaunas Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis top the list of people viewed as possible…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Into the elections under the flag of national spirit

The vision of MEP Valentinas Mazuronis, who has declared his intent to run for president, is a strong national state…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Mazuronis going to presidential election to step up natl spirit

Lithuanian MEP Valentinas Mazuronis who intends to run as an independent candidate for the 2019 presidential elections says his program…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Ušackas, Pavilionis plan on running for president, Šimonytė, Nausėda mum

Lithuania's former diplomats Vygaudas Ušackas and Žygimantas Pavilionis on Friday confirmed plans of running for early elections of the conservative…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Ratings: Nausėda climbing rapidly, but no cause for celebration

Economist Gitanas Nausėda is rapidly climbing the presidential ratings lists – so far interviewed Lithuanian citizens would most often prefer…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Nausėda tops list of possible presidential candidates – Delfi/Spinter poll

Economist Gitanas Nausėda continues to top the list of people viewed as possible candidates for next year's presidential election in…

6 years ago
  • European Union
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuania wants to keep current structure of EU commissioners after Brexit – president

Lithuania wants to keep the current scheme of appointment of European commissioners where every country delegates one member of the…

7 years ago
  • Politics

Lithuanian EC member applauds PM’s position on dialogue with Russia

European Commissioner Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis of Lithuania has expressed support to the position stated by Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis on…

7 years ago
  • European Union
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuanian EC member finds no data of worse products for Central, Eastern Europe

There is no evidence of poorer quality of food products supplied to countries in Central and Eastern Europe, says Vytenis…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

What happened to Skvernelis?

The statement by Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis that there is a need to establish contacts with Russia turned heads –…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

Cop, banker, manufacturer and others

Cop, banker and manufacturer, readers complained in comments next to the Spinter Tyrimai survey on who citizens would like to…

7 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Lithuanian EC member: Russia plans to take pork imports ban to political level

Russia has no plans of raising the 2014 imports ban on pork from the European Union (EU), however, plans to…

7 years ago
  • Economy

EC will have to hear Lithuania’s request for damages compensation to farmers

The European Commission (EC) will have to examine the Lithuanian request for assistance in partial compensation of damages incurred by…

7 years ago
  • Opinion

R. Sadauskas-Kvietkevičius. A revolution is happening in the LSDP, not a generation shift

When the former and current leaders of one of the major parties in the country communicate through public letters, journalists…

7 years ago
  • Politics

SocDems in deep crisis, should stay in opposition – Andriukaitis

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) is in a deep crisis after suffering a crushing defeat in the recent parliamentary…

8 years ago
  • Opinion

ELECTIONS. SocDems after losing – three alternatives for their future

The biggest loser in this Seimas election has been the Labour Party, having failed to pass the 5% vote barrier.…

8 years ago
  • Society

Decree banning unvaccinated children from kindergarten overturned by courts

After a ruling from the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, the Ministry of Health will be forced to overturn its…

8 years ago

Lithuania needs to be ‘EU stakeholder’ not just draw down funding, Commissioner says

After sixteen years in the European Union, Lithuania has to decide what it is: a donor, a user of EU…

8 years ago
  • Politics

Social democrat Andriukaitis accuses president of fuelling political crises

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė is fuelling political crises in the country instead of seeking stability and balance, says European Commissioner…

9 years ago