Žygimantas Pavilionis EN

  • Politics

MP Pavilionis won’t run in Lithuanian conservatives’ presidential primaries

Žygimantas Pavilionis, a lawmaker of the conservative Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats, on Monday announced his decision not to run in…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Whose votes will V. Ušackas gather – S. Skvernelis or G. Nausėda‘s?

With Conservative – Christian Democrat Vygaudas Ušackas declaring his participation in the presidential elections, political scientists have been debating, whose…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Grybauskaitė says won’t publicly support any presidential hopefuls

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė said on Thursday that she will not publicly support any candidate to replace her when her…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Ušackas announces decision to run for Lithuanian president next May

Vygaudas Ušackas, a Lithuanian diplomat and former foreign minister, announced on Wednesday his decision to stand in next May's presidential…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Nausėda will soon announce if he will run for Lithuanian president

Economist Gitanas Nausėda, leaving the position of advisor to SEB bank president, plans to announce his decision on whether he…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

Merkel expected to visit Lithuania in mid-September

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will likely visit Lithuania in mid-September. [...]

6 years ago
  • Opinion

TS-LKD members are confused: what game is a potential presidential candidate of theirs playing?

More than half a million letters sent out by conservative Vygaudas Ušackas to the Lithuanian people, asking whether it is…

6 years ago
  • Foreign affairs

MEP Antanas Guoga’s speech at the Valdas Adamkus International Conference 2018

A speech by Member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga at the Valdas Adamkus International Conference 2018 “Restoring European and…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Gitanas Nausėda: We have lost our compass

According to SEB chief economist dr. Gitanas Nausėda, who leads in the expected future president and most influential business figure…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

One of the most influential in Lithuania, President Valdas Adamkus: I hold hope that we will not experience World War III

Next week's President Valdas Adamkus International Conference will feature a gathering of influential NATO state politicians and experts. The former…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Presidential elections: the three main candidates have reasons to stay silent

With less than a year to go to the presidential elections, individuals, who have yet to declare their intent to…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Over three years, Nausėda‘s ratings have risen eightfold, Ušackas‘ – ninefold

Six candidates have declared their intent to participate in the 2019 presidential elections: Naglis Puteikis, Aušra Maldeikienė, Valentinas Mazuronis, Petras…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Jonas Vaiškūnas. Response to Pavilionis, who is battling Pagans

The Seimas parliamentary body of Lithuania is deliberating the issue of State recognition of Romuva, the religious community of the…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Parties lining up their dream presidents

The largest political powers in the country – the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) and the Homeland Union – Lithuanian…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Economist Maldeikienė launches presidential bid, starts election campaign

Lithuanian economist and MP Aušra Maldeikienė, 60, on Monday announced her plans to run for president next year and is…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Should Lithuania choose between Palestine and Israel?

We should not sit on two chairs, we must clearly choose our partners – Israel and the USA, conservative MP…

6 years ago
  • Politics

Presidential candidate rankings: number of undecided voters jumps

Recent scandals in Lithuania over links between politicians and businesses have affected potential presidential candidate rankings, with the number of…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

US and Western Europe’s disagreements: whom should Lithuania stand by?

"Solely Brussels is no good, but solely Washington is also no good. [...] It is necessary to manoeuvre between the…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Dual citizenship may translate into discrimination against some people

'We are likely to run into the problem of ethnic discrimination while defining the notion of dual citizenship,' claims Eglė…

6 years ago
  • Opinion

Newest ratings: one candidate’s decision could radically change the situation

Gitanas Nausėda retains the lead in the top three highest rated presidential candidates, with Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Kaunas…

6 years ago