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Seimas approves 2018 budget

Lithuania’s parliament on Tuesday approved the 2018 budget, the first budget in the country’s history with the government sector’s revenue expected to top the spending, and Lithuania finally meeting its commitment to NATO of earmarking 2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) to defence. […]

Bronius Matelis

Lightning keeps striking all year, will the villager start crossing himself?

I wish to immediately admit: the past year after the Seimas elections are still not enough time to strictly evaluate the majority’s work. However I am afraid that this time we may have a unique […]

Government Hour in the Seimas

2018 state, SoDra, health insurance fund budget drafts registered at Seimas

Surplus 2018 budget drafts of the Lithuanian state and the state-run social insurer SoDra have been registered at the Lithuanian parliament along with the balanced budget of the mandatory health insurance fund, with the bills to be presented to parliamentarians on Thursday. […]

Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis ir Gintautas Paluckas

Social Democrats may depart the coalition in autumn?

“The stress test of our coalition with the “Farmers” will be in autumn during the formation of the budget. Then we will see how to act,” Social Democrat leader Gintautas Paluckas told when asked […]