In the Seimas

Opinion polls: a honeymoon for the “Peasants”

A honeymoon. Thusly political scientists comment on voters’ attitudes to the victors of the Seimas elections, the Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LPGU) whose ratings continue to rise and have currently reached 26.8%. The Liberal Movement’s ratings are also rising, while the Social Democrats’ popularity continues to decrease, while the Conservatives could be said to be stagnating. […]

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Opinion: Hunting down propaganda in media fields

Since the beginning of war in Ukraine, the concept of propaganda has become a keyword in the agendas of Lithuanian politicians and the media. The ruling majority of the Seimas and the president (together with the right-wing groups in the opposition) are taking diametrically opposite positions in the political arena regarding to measures to fight propaganda. After the Seimas rejected the president’s amendment to the Law on Public Information, there is no shortage of forecasts about large-scale disasters in our information space. […]