The prime minister is in favour of completely sober drivers and, if possible, would support the idea of introducing a zero alcohol level limit. According to the head of Government, the proposal has to be evaluated by medical experts, as breath analysers may show presence of alcohol when certain medicines are used.
The minister of health has said the initiative makes sense. “We must limit access (to alcohol – ELTA) in every way possible, and work with both young and older people to reduce alcoholism,” said Šalaševičiūtė.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior submitted amendments to the Law on Road Traffic Safety. proposing to introduce a zero alcohol level limit for all drivers. The current law stipulates that the zero alcohol level limit has to be adhered by drivers of taxis, motorcycles, quad bikes, commercial vehicles and everyone with driving experience below two years. All other drivers are not allowed to exceed 0.4 per mile alcohol limit.
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