Corruption suspicions have no effect on Lithuania’s MG Baltic concern – CEO

DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“It is now popular in Lithuania to condemn the wealthy, the topic of social injustice is also popular. Scrutiny of such large companies makes some people very happy. However, I see no major impact upon the concern. Of course, it is not something pleasant. The fact is that the doubtful glory gives us no positivity. However, we are posting the highest results for this year in business,” Mockus told the daily.

Amid suspicions of bribery and influence peddling in Lithuania’s largest case of political corruption, Raimundas Kurlianskis, board chairman of LNK group and MG Baltic Media, earlier this week announced resignation from the concern and plans to sell 2.34 percent of MG Baltic Investment shares to Mockus and leave all positions in the concern on Jan. 1.

Kurlianskis said the decision was due to the need to focus on the upcoming judicial proceedings.

The law-enforcement suspect that former members of the Liberal Movement, Eligijus Masiulis and Šarūnas Gustainis, took bribes from Kurlianskis for the party. Kurlianskis is also suspected of bribing former MP Vytautas Gapšys.

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